What Fall Means to Me: Readers Imbibing Peril #ripxii

Bookshelf with text across the top reading "Speaking of Books..."

Whenever I take on a reading challenge (e.g. read x number of books in y amount of time), I fail. Miserably.

This goes for Readers Imbibing Peril, too – the challenge to read a certain number of horror or suspense titles from Sept. 1st to Oct. 31st. So I wasn’t signing up this year.

Nope. Can’t.

Don’t have time, and never follow through, anyway. Just make a fool of myself saying I’m going to read this and that and then don’t.

Now that we’re into October, though, and it feels like fall, it couldn’t hurt to peek at Stainless Steel Droppings to see what’s happening with Readers Imbibing Peril…and what do I find out?

Yup. I’m in!








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