My Misery-able Month of June @BkClubCare #MiseryRAL

The June Misery Read-along hosted by Care’s Online Book Club  officially ends today!

Stephen King’s Misery was his 14th published book, placing it well within his “early” period. The only other one I’ve read from then is The Shining (for another readalong).

I guess the answer is no. I didn’t know what I was getting into. #MiseryRAL

A photo posted by Laurie C (@baystatera) on

I started out strong, listening to the audio edition of Misery narrated by Lindsay Crouse. An unexpected choice (having a female narrator) – since the book is entirely from the perspective of bestselling popular author Paul Sheldon and takes place half inside his head – but a good one, I thought.

I zipped through the first half, feeling confident that I could take whatever misery King was planning to dish out. After all, I like dark books, and I like books with writers as the main characters, even arrogant SOBs like Paul Sheldon, because under the alcohol and ego and bluster, artists are all tormented, pitiful souls.

I was trying not to listen to the whole thing at once, though, so I took a break. And right after coming back to it, I had to stop again, because I went into shock. Not like Paul in the book, but still.

In the time it took for me to rally – when I was still only halfway through the audio – my download from the library expired, so I read the second half in print, the regular old way, and finished over the weekend.

I can’t really say that I liked the book, because it was pretty sickening at points. I wondered how people snacked while they read the library copy I was reading, which they obviously did, from the stains and spots left on the pages.

By the end, I realized I was gripping the book so tightly that my forearms were starting to hurt. Very suspenseful, even without its being horror in the purist sense (no woo woo).

Check Care’s Misery Round-Up and Playlist and #MiseryRAL on Twitter for different takes on Misery. From what others in the #MiseryRAL told me, the book is different from the movie (which I haven’t seen and don’t plan to watch.)

Misery badge with scared woman's face and #MiseryRAL hashtag

My favorite Stephen King book is still Lisey’s Story! I’d love to listen to it again for a readalong sometime!!

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9 years ago

Actually, the movie wasn’t too bad. I watched the very next day after reading! And what they did (Rob Reiner’s choices?) actually made sense and were a good complement/interpretation. PLUS there are other differences which only make sense to discuss if you KNOW.
SO, I recommend you watch the flick and just close your eyes when you know what’s coming. It wasn’t NEARLY as gruesome, imo. They cutaway often and left a lot of the really gruesome out or changed it…
For some reason, this book didn’t scare me in the least. Maybe I watch too many violent movies. I absolutely loved Paul’s inner monologues.


[…] Laurie at Bay State Advisory […]

9 years ago

I wouldn’t say this one qualifies as horror. I think it falls under suspense more than anything because it is one intense book. I have never heard of Lisey’s Story, so I will definitely have to check it out. I’m on a mission to read or listen to all of his novels. It will probably prove to be impossible but I’d like to hit as many as I can.

9 years ago

I have not read Lisey’s Story, but would love to! My favorite SK is “The Stand”.. an old classic. I listened to this on audio too, and I did like the narration. She was one creepy, twisted Lady!

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