Listen Up! Final day of Audiobook Week 2012 #JIAM

This post is part of the Listen Up! Audiobook Week June 25–28 event hosted by Jen of Devourer of Books, with help from Jen of A Book and a Latte, in which I answer these questions:
Where do you learn about great audiobook titles? Find reviews? Buy your audiobooks? Share your secrets with the rest of us!

Three words: The Guilded Earlobe.

What? That’s cheating to have a three-word answer when everyone else (including Bob at The Guilded Earlobe) is writing thoughtful, detailed posts? OK, so for audiobook reviews and suggestions, I also go to: Devourer of Books and Everyday I Write the Book.

I make heavy use of the public library system to feed my audiobook addiction. I don’t have any secrets for obtaining audiobooks, unless there are some bloggers who don’t know about being a reviewer for Audiobook Jukebox. Their site is a clearinghouse for audiobook reviews and you can sign up to be a Solid Gold Reviewer (see badge in sidebar). It’s a great place to find audiobook reviews from bloggers, too, even if you don’t want to write reviews yourself.

If you’re on Twitter, type in the hashtag #JIAM for June Is Audiobook Month, and follow everyone who is using it this month!

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12 years ago

I just pay attention when any blogger I find happens to mention a great narrator but usually, or NOW that I’m seeking out audio titles more, I look to see how much they cost when a book I want to read can be listened to instead. I really need to figure out the library thing, and soon.

12 years ago

If there is book talk anywhere I usually pick up a recommendation from it and will always check for an audiobook version.

I agree about – they are such an excellent resource for audiobook reviews collated in one place and their Solid Gold Reviewer program is great.

DevourerofBooks (@DevourerofBooks)

Oh, I totally forgot about the Solid Gold Reviewer part of Audiobook Jukebox in my post!

12 years ago

Thanks for the mention Laurie. I’m really touched. It’s good to know that people out there actually appreciate what you do.

I love Audiobook Jukebox, and Susan and Jeff do a great service for the Audiobook Industry and should be acknowledged for it. I love that the audiobook bloggers out there are so diverse and cover so many genres.

12 years ago

I’ve submitted reviews to Audiobook Jukebox in the past but didn’t know about the Solid Gold Reviewer program. Also need to check out Gilded Earlobe. *hides from the fact that I don’t know his blog*

Tanya Patrice
12 years ago

Awesome suggestions! I’ve recently discovered both The Guilded Earlobe & Audiobook Jukebox – both excellent resources.

12 years ago

It sounds like I need to add The Guilded Earlobe to my Reader.

12 years ago

Audiobook Jukebox is my go-to place for reviews as well. I’ve gotten some amazing review copies from their Solid Gold Review Program as well. Great suggestions!

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