Advocate for Libraries: Virtual Library Legislative Day 2016 @ALALibrary @TheHPAlliance

National Legislative Day, May 2-3

All this week, you can support the work being done at National Library Legislative Day (May 2–3) by participating in Virtual Library Legislative Day. It’s easy to advocate for libraries with your senator and representative in D.C. by sending a quick email, making a phone call, and/or tweeting any time this week!

ALA logo

Join thousands of other library advocates in telling Members of Congress and their staffs about the legislative priorities of libraries.

You and your fellow library supporters in Washington will be supporting federal library funding, the right to privacy, global electronic access to information for the blind, and the confirmation of library leader Dr. Carla Hayden as the next Librarian of Congress.  

Together, we can make the Capitol echo with the voices and messages of library advocates in Washington and online.

ALA’s Legislative Action Center

Plug in your zip code and send a preformatted email

Authorize the Engage app and send a preformatted tweet

Put in your contact info and get a script for your call

Or visit the Legislation Action Center to see all the options:

Take Action for Libraries

Accio Books!

Accio Books! badgeI like to think that the American Library Association is full of fun people, but if advocating alongside the wizards from Hogwarts sounds like more fun, you can join forces with the Harry Potter Alliance, an activist group working for equality, human rights, and literacy through the power of story. The HPA is challenging the ALA library advocates on Twitter this week to see who gets the most calls, tweets, and emails to Washington.

Whether you’re with the ALA or HPA, contact your Members of Congress for Virtual Legislative Day this week! Every voice in support of libraries helps!

Want to take action for libraries in your state, too? Find your state’s chapter and send a message to your state legislators!

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Katie Wilkins (@DoingDewey)

What a great event! I met some of the HPA folks at ALA and they were awesome 🙂

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