Armchair BEA 2015 Day One: Introductions #ArmchairBEA @ArmchairBEA

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I get just about everywhere a little bit late, so I’m jumping into the social media version of Book Expo America (BEA) when the first day is nearly over in my part of the world (East Coast, USA). Please picture me rushing in just in time for the introductions!
Homer Simpson rushing
You: Nice to meet you!
Me: (slightly out of breath) Same here!

You: How long have you been blogging?
Me: I’ll be celebrating my 6-year blogiversary on June 3rd!

You: Where are you from? How did you get into blogging?
Me: I’m from Massachusetts, which is only a hop and a skip from the Javits Center in Manhattan, but the timing was bad for me again this year! I got into blogging through working at a library, as a memory aid for myself and a way of sharing the books I’m most passionate about with the world via the World Wide Web, as it was still known back in those days. (Do young people know where www came from? Maybe not, since you rarely need to use it anymore.)

You: What does diversity mean to you?
Me: Diversity is the theme of this year’s ABEA, for one thing! I think it’s important to read diversely – as in, try different genres, explore other cultures, read works in translation, read books by authors of other races/ethnicities/backgrounds than my own. I expect my diversity reading score would place me firmly within the average group of librarians or book bloggers, but probably in the upper half of a group of regular readers!

You: What book are you reading right now?
Me: My Sunshine Away by M.O. Walsh. Listening to Off Course by Michelle Huneven, who’s becoming a favorite of mine.

Kind of a one-sided conversation, huh? Visit the link-up at Armchair BEA headquarters if you want to meet other book bloggers.


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Alison (@AlisonCanRead)

Happy blogoversary! Very similar to me, although you’ve been blogging longer. I celebrate 5 years on June 4.
My Armchair BEA

Wesley at Library Educated

Oh I often feel like that Homer GIF…

9 years ago

Happy ABEA!

9 years ago

It’s never too late to introduce yourself! (I hope, since I was pretty late myself.)

9 years ago

I love that someone else rushes in at the last moment!
Good to meet you!

Lory @ Emerald City Book Review

Welcome to ABEA!

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz

I’m usually the one running late to the show, so nice to see others can do this, too.

You are so fortunate to be so close to NYC…you can go to BEA any time you wish, I guess!

Jenni Elyse (@jenni_elyse)

I liked your conversation. It made your introduction fun to read. 🙂

9 years ago

Thank you for the introduction. Following as many of you as I can

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