Armchair BEA Introduction Post

Armchair BEA badgeThere’s no traveling to New York for BEA (Book Expo America) for me this year, so I’m excited to be participating in Armchair BEA instead. You’ve heard of fantasy football? Well, Armchair BEA is fantasy publishers’ trade show.

We’re supposed to start out by answering a few questions to introduce ourselves.

Please tell us a little bit about yourself: Who are you? How long have you been blogging? Why did you get into blogging?
I’m a public librarian, mostly a reader of literary and genre fiction. I got into blogging to recommend the books I love and to try to match books to the right readers, even books I don’t love personally. My four-year blogoversary is coming up on June 3rd! My first post was a review of Anansi Boys by Neil Gaiman, narrated by Lenny Henry, because it was so good I had to tell the world about it. It is still one of the best audiobooks I’ve ever listened to.

Where in the world are you blogging from? Tell a random fact or something special about your current location. Feel free to share pictures.
I live in Rocky Marciano’s hometown in Massachusetts.Rocky Marciano Statue

What are you currently reading, or what is your favorite book you have read so far in 2013?
My favorite book so far this year is The Interestings by Meg Wolitzer.

The Interestings

Tell us one non-book-related thing that everyone reading your blog may not know about you.
Non-book-related? What is this thing of which you speak? 😉

Which is your favorite post that you have written that you want everyone to read?
I’m rather fond of my Ten Signs You Are Obsessed with Book Blogging and Bloggiesta post.


Armchair BEA is the experience for book bloggers to participate in Book Expo America (BEA) from the comfort of their homes. This experience is created lovingly by book bloggers specifically for our peers who for whatever reason are not able to participate in the main conference in New York each year. We bring publishers, authors, and bloggers together in celebrating our love for all things literary by hosting celebrations such as sneak peeks, daily discussion topics, and sponsored giveaways.

Thank you to The Armchair BEA Blog Team for hosting this event!


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KK Trotter
11 years ago

I have not read The Interestings by Meg Wolitzer, but I’ve heard a lot of good things about it. I’m going to need to pick it up soon 🙂

11 years ago

I also liked your post on obsessions with books, I rank pretty high on your test, lol

11 years ago

I LOVE your bloggiesta list. It’s true, I think in hastags and I am glad I don’t get all those In My Mailbox books that some people get!

Have a great ArmchairBEA.

Andi (@estellasrevenge)

Meg Wolitzer is one of those authors I always intend to read and then I somehow never get to her. I had The Position on my TBR at one time, and now The Uncoupling is there. Arrgh!

11 years ago

Narration by Lenny Henry, I’ll have to look into that one. I mean to read Gaiman anyway, but now it sounds a lot more fun. I like the idea of your post being not just about blogging but bloggiesta, I’ll take a look in a bit.

11 years ago

I tried posting last night a couple of times but it wouldn’t go through. Hmph! 😉

That statue is certainly something, lol. 😉

I loved The Interestings a LOT.

11 years ago

I have The Interestings on my neverending list…oh, to get to all of my reading! I’m a fellow librarian who blogs to share book love, and I enjoyed your bloggiesta list. Fortunately I have no mice but otherwise…

kai charles (@YogiKai)
11 years ago

Thanks for visiting my blog Fiction State of Mind. The Reapers are the Angels looks interesting I will reserve it at my library today 🙂 Happy Armchair BEA

11 years ago

The Interestings is on my TBR read. Glad to hear you enjoyed it!

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