Armchair BEA Starts Today: Introductions @ArmchairBEA

Armchair BEA logo (blue armchair with words Armchair BEAIt’s the start of Armchair BEA, where we book bloggers who aren’t at the actual BEA Bloggers Conference and Book Expo America Wednesday–Saturday this week in New York can enjoy a vicarious version of the experience and get an inside look at the book industry.

Picture yourself here at the Javits Center with me and a bunch of other bloggers, authors, and publicists to talk/market books.

photo of BEA Bloggers Conference from a previous year
Hundreds of book bloggers gathered for the BEA Bloggers Conference. Photo credit: Book Expo America

I’ll introduce myself before the opening speaker begins:

  1. Please tell us a little bit about yourself: Who are you? How long have you been blogging? Why did you get into blogging? Where in the world are you blogging from?
    I’m a public librarian in southeastern Massachusetts who has been blogging for just about five years (as of June 3rd). I started blogging as a way to try my hand at online reader’s advisory and of remembering the books I read.
  2. Describe your blog in just one sentence. Then, list your social details — Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc. — so we can connect more online.
    Book reviews and reading suggestions from a Massachusetts (the Bay State) librarian, with occasional library & publishing news.
    Twitter @baystateRA
    Google+ Laurie C
    Pinterest Laurie C
    Bloglovin’ Laurie C @ Bay State Reader’s Advisory
    Instagram baystateRA (brand new for BEA!)
  3. What was your favorite book read last year? What’s your favorite book so far in 2014?
    Last year’s favorites were The Interestings by Meg Wolitzer, with The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt a very close second. So far this year, it’s The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry by Gabrielle Zevin on audio and The Orphans of Race Point by Patry Francis in print.
  4. What does your favorite/ideal reading space look like? (Pinterest encouraged!)
    I’ll take a reading corner like this one. Will only need to add a footrest!


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tanya (52 books or bust)

Two of your favorites were two of my favorites. Looks like I will have to read the other two now.

Michael @ Literary Exploration

The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry was a great book, A little predictable but I loved every minute of it. Happy ArmchairBEA

Kristina D
10 years ago

Loved your reading space pick. Have a Great ABEA week

La La in the LiBrArY
10 years ago

I am reading The Goldfinch right now and loving it. The Zevin book is near the top of my TBR pile, too. 🙂

La La in the LiBrArY
10 years ago

I followed on bloglovin. 🙂

10 years ago

I loved Storied Life of A.J.Fikry and have Interestings on my wishlist! That reading spot looks great – yes, a footrest would be a good addition, but it is cozy nevertheless.

Laurel-Rain Snow
10 years ago

I started blogging as a tool for marketing, but now it is about connecting and keeping track of my reading.

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Enjoy the week! Love your reading corner.

10 years ago

I joined Instagram for Armchair BEA too! I haven’t tried to post on it yet though! I’m reading The Goldfinch right now and enjoying it so far.

10 years ago

Thanks for taking us to BEA, Laurie! Fun to be there. 🙂

10 years ago

Hope you enjoy the week, Laurie! I’ve not read your favourites, but am considering adding The Goldfinch to my TBR.

nomadreader (Carrie)
10 years ago

All of your recent favorites are on my TBR! I’m suggesting A.J. for my book club for the summer, but either way, I want to read it soon. I can’t believe I still haven’t read The Interestings yet, as the last two Wolitzers were both divine. And I’ve been put off by the length of The Goldfinch but hope to get to it in the next two weeks before the Bailey’s Prize winner is announced. So many books to read! Happy Armchair BEA to you!

10 years ago

I LOVE that reading corner – so bright and that chair looks comfy, although you are right, a footrest would make it even more perfect.

I really need to read The Goldfinch – if I can hold it up long enough to read – it’s HUGE as I’m sure you know!

Katie @ Words for Worms

I am so excited to read AJ Fikry!I’m glad to hear you loved it!

Becca Lostinbooks
10 years ago

The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry is mine too! LOVE that book!

April @ My Shelf Confessions

I’ve been meaning to read The Goldfinch since before it came out – because The Secret History is one of my favorite books of ALL time! I tried to read one of her other books.. something The Little Friend I think? and I just couldn’t really get into that one, which bummed me out – but The Goldfinch seems a lot more promising since it’s won a Pulitzer! I think it’ll have to be amazingtastic to top how I feel about The Secret History though! 😀

It’s really fun getting to know more about fellow bloggers! Hope you have a lot of fun with ABEA 😀

10 years ago

Oh I adored AJ Fikry. I have The Goldfinch on my Kindle but am trying to work up the courage to start it. Unfortunately I didn’t love The Secret History. Alright–just found you on Instagram! 🙂

Jennifer @ The Relentless Reader

I really enjoyed The Interestings 😀 I absolutely ADORED A.J. Fikry. I guess I’d better get to The Goldfinch soon 😉 I know I’ll like it because great minds think alike!

Have a wonderful week!

10 years ago

I have GOT to go out and buy the The Storied Life- simply too many people loving it!

Joy Weese Moll (@joyweesemoll)

Hi, Laurie! I really need to get The Goldfinch higher on my list.

Have a great week with Armchair BEA!

Freda Mans
10 years ago

I definitely need to check out The Storied Life of AJ Fikry… more than one of you listed it as a fave. I am a new Bloglovin follower. 🙂

Casual Readers (@casualreaders)

Our book club read The Goldfinch! So good.

Katie @ Doing Dewey
10 years ago

I had a hard time keeping up with posting for Armchair BEA even though I’m not at BEA, so I’m impressed you’re managing to post this week! I hope you’re having an awesome time at BEA 🙂

Deb @ Read Write Tell
10 years ago

OH my, love the reading corner…the colors and clearly there is a fireplace. Goldfinch is a title that I have on my to read this summer list.

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