Bloggiesta, Olé!

Why bother with spring cleaning this weekend when spiffing up your blog, reorganizing book piles, planning blog posts, and making book lists would be so much more satisfying? I’m signing up for my first-ever Bloggiesta blogathon March 30-April 1. According to Suey at It’s All About Books, Bloggiesta is a chance to:

  • spend time that weekend (as much or as little as your schedule allows) working on your blog
  • create a to-do list to share on your blog and link up with other participants
  • hopefully participate in several mini challenges and learn something new
  • connect with other participants through blog hopping or Twitter
  • make new blogging friends!
  • come away at the end of the three days with a spiffed-up blog!

I hope to spend quality blogging time in the company of other book bloggers who will procrastinate along with me on cleaning, laundry, and other projects (which can certainly wait another week or two) and STOP procrastinating on blogging projects.
My weekend is Sunday/Monday, so I may lag behind everyone else, or it might turn out to be more of a mini-blogathon for me, but here’s my to-do list for participating. (This means I’ve already accomplished one of the items on the above list!)

  • Start some personal “Best of 2012” lists
  • Catch up on reviews (maybe by doing mini-reviews)
  • Catch up and comment on blogs I follow through Google Reader
  • Create a page of book lists and readalikes
  • Learn how to put a darn home page link in my WordPress custom header and remove my RSS feed option that doesn’t work!

I first heard about Bloggiesta from one of my new favorite book bloggers, Zara at A Bibliotaphe’s Closet, but I didn’t pay much attention until I saw it mentioned again at the Adventures of 2.0 blog. Does it sound like fun? Want to join in? Sign up here.

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12 years ago

Oh good! I’ll probably be more active the latter time of Bloggiesta, too. Tweet at ya!

Tanya Patrice
12 years ago

It’s interesting to see what everyone is planning to do on their blogs over the weekend – I’m getting tons of new ideas too 🙂

12 years ago

This will be my first time participating and I’m really excited by all the buzz (have known about it from start but never made the time…those chores always got in the way!). Interested about the readalikes lists. Sounds interesting!

12 years ago

I just assumed that backing up was done too, but I’m not sure if WP has the same problems of potentially being locked out of your blog. But it doesn’t hurt to back it up to your computer and it only takes a second. Good luck with the rest of your tasks!

12 years ago

I see a theme with everyone’s to do list. Reviews!! I am so glad I am not the only one. I have not even thought about backing up my blog. Must look into it.

Good luck on your Bloggiesta list!

Kristin T.
12 years ago

Today I’ve been alternating between working on outstanding reviews and cleaning up my google reader, and then when needing a break from those 2 tasks, I’ve been visiting other blogs participating.

Good luck with your to-do list!!!

12 years ago

There’s a tweetchat this morning (Sunday) at 11 am our time! See you there?

12 years ago

You have come great to do list items. How are things going? Have you made some good headway?

12 years ago

I like the look of your site! I especially like the tabs on top of your header. And i totally understand about catching up on reviews. I personally like the idea of mini reviews.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x