#Bloggiesta, Olé! @Bloggiesta Starting Line Post – Fall 2015

Bloggiesta badgePost updated Sat. noon…and Sat. 5 p.m….and Sun. noon

In case you haven’t heard, Fall Bloggiesta is starting today, and there’s still time to find out all about it, come up with your own blog housekeeping to-do list, and join other book bloggers sprucing up blogs all over the world.

I missed the last two main Bloggiesta events (spring and fall) although I managed to participate in the June and January Mini Bloggiestas this year. I’m committed to the one that starts today and runs September 17–20, because I signed up to host a mini challenge with encouragement from Suey of It’s All About Books, the valiant Bloggiesta organizer (who may be doing it all by herself this year?!?)

If you haven’t updated your blogroll in a while (maybe since you started your blog in the first place?) check out my Blogroll Overhaul Mini Challenge here.

I never get my whole Bloggiesta list done, because I usually spend a lot of time visiting and commenting on other blogs, but I can always dream. I can’t procrastinate effectively without a to-do list, anyway.

Sound like fun? Want to get in on it? Get all the details and sign up at the Bloggiesta Web site. Join in the Twitter chats (@Bloggiesta) or try out a Bloggiesta Mini Challenge!

*Here’s what the Better Delete Revision Manager has to say about clogging up your blog’s back-end with saved post revisions (Sorry for any visual that comes to mind there!):

Post Revisions are a feature introduced in WordPress 2.6. Whenever you or WordPress saves a post or a page, a revision is automatically created and stored in your WordPress database. Each additional revision will slowly increase the size of your database. If you save a post or page multiple times, your number of revisions will greatly increase overtime. For example, if you have 100 posts and each post has 10 revisions you could be storing up to 1,000 copies of older data!
The Better Delete Revision plugin is your #1 choice to quickly and easily removing revision from your WordPress database. Try it out today to see what a lighter and smaller WordPress database can do for you!


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9 years ago

As far as a favicon, I downloaded a plugin that did it for me. It was quick and easy and you should be able to check that off your list in minutes if you use wordpress.

Laurel-Rain Snow
9 years ago

I also got my favicon fairly easily, a while back, but can’t remember all the steps! It was quick, though.

Thanks for visiting my blog, and have fun!

9 years ago

That’s a lot to accomplish in three days. Good luck

Melinda Dean
9 years ago

Hoping to get to your mini challenge this weekend.

9 years ago

Great ideas on your list, good luck with your goals and Happy Bloggiesta!

Charlie (The Worm Hole)

I’ve been after a revisions editor for a while, I’ll have to look that one up. I’ve often wondered just how much space the revisions take up.

Hope it’s going well so far; perhaps your mini-challenge hosting will stop the procrastination? 🙂

Trish @ Between My Lines

Just like you, I always spend more time commenting than on my to-do list! But that’s all part of the fun too and I find visiting others to be really motivational. Sometimes I forget just what a huge community we are.
Good luck with your goals! I have often wondered how to get a favicon too.

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