Bloggiesta Time Again!

Badge for Bloggiesta event

I heard about the last Bloggiesta from seeing a participation post from Zara at A Bibliotaphe’s Closet, so here’s my contribution to spreading the word this time around to anyone with a book blog who’s looking for an excuse a reason to spend more time working on it. Bloggiesta Fall 2012 is coming, the weekend of September 28–30!

If you decide to participate in Bloggiesta Fall 2012, you can expect:

  • to spend time that weekend (as much or as little as your schedule allows) working on your blog
  • to create a to-do list to share on your blog and link up with other participants
  • to hopefully participate in several mini-challenges and learn something new
  • to connect with other participants through blog-hopping or Twitter
  • to make new blogging friends
  • to come away at the end of the three days with a spiffed-up blog!
Originally created nearly four years ago by Natasha of Maw Books, Bloggiesta is co-hosted by Danielle of There’s A Book and Suey from It’s All About Books. Read more about Bloggiesta and sign up to participate at There’s A Book.
P.S. If you’ve been thinking about starting your own book blog, this is a great way to jump into the deep end and get your own blog up and running.
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12 years ago

It’s such a great event for networking, getting ideas, and learning new skills. Looking forward to it!

12 years ago

I can’t wait! It will be fun. Glad you have you around ^^

My Bloggiesta.

Stephanie @ Read in a Single Sitting

Eep, I really should get in gear and give this a go this year!

12 years ago

I always wonder how people hear about these things. I guess I’ll have to do my part and pass it along too!

12 years ago

Wahoo! So glad you’ll be joining us! 🙂

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