Book Blogger Appreciation @BBAW Week is Back! #BBAW

Book Blogger Appreciation Week bag February 15-19Book Blogger Appreciation Week is an annual week-long book blogging event originated by My Friend Amy in 2008 that ran for six years, and is now being brought back after a hiatus by Andi at The Estella Society.

I participated in 2012 and 2014, and had so much fun with it; I’m glad to have the time available to take part in the revival of BBAW this year. Book bloggers are a fun crowd, and I got paired up with one of the most fun people for Interview Day. (It’s a surprise, so you’ll have to check back and see who it is on Day Two!)

yelling cheerleader animated gif

It’s not too late to sign up and join in. Not convinced yet? Check out Suey’s Top Ten Reasons to Participate in Book Blogger Appreciation Week at It’s All About Books.

Here are the daily topics for this year’s Book Blogger Appreciation Week:

Day 1 (2/15) Introduce yourself by telling us about five books that represent you as a person or your interests/lifestyle.

Day 2 (2/16) Interview Day! If you choose to be part of the interviews, you’ll be assigned a fellow blogger to chat with and post about!

Day 3 (2/17) What have you read and loved because of a fellow blogger?

Day 4 (2/18) How do you stay connected to the community? Examples: social media, regular commenting, participation in blog events, etc. Tell us your faves!

Day 5 (2/19) One of the unfortunate side effects of reading and blogging like rockstars seems to be a tendency toward burnout. How do you keep things fresh on your blog and in your reading?

Follow the conversation on Twitter: @BBAW and #BBAW.

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Deepika Ramesh
9 years ago

I am participating too. Looking forward to reading your posts. 🙂

9 years ago

This sounds like a lot of fun. I look forward to your posts 🙂

9 years ago

It’s already fun–I’m working on my post for day three and have linked to your blog!

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