Book Blogger Appreciation Week Day Five: Saying Goodbye to #BBAW

graphic for BBAW 2012Friday’s Topic for BBAW: What did you get out of this week? What will you take with you in the future?

Even though I could only manage to post on the first and last days of Book Blogger Appreciation Week, I’ve visited and commented on a lot of new-to-me blogs this week.

Thanks to BBAW, I’m a new follower of all of the following:

Book Monkey (WP)
Book Rhapsody (WP)
Doing Dewey (WP)
Farm Lane Books (GR)
Following Pulitzer (WP)
JulzReads (WP)
Leonicka Valcius (GR)
Lit and Life (GR)
The Literary Omnivore (WP)
Necromancy Never Pays (WP)
A Novel Attachment (WP)
The Perpetual Page-Turner (email)
A Reader’s Journal (GR)
A Room of One’s Own (WP)
Shelf Love (WP)
Too Fond (WP)

I also caught up with some old favorites that have been languishing in my overflowing Google Reader queue. (Now even more overflowing after adding a few more.) I especially enjoyed the Day #1 appreciation posts and visiting everyone’s favorite blogs.

BBAW, now five years old, was started and organized by Amy at My Friend Amy.


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Tanya Patrice
12 years ago

This was such a fun week of blogging. I’m so excited to have discovered so many new (to me) blogs. Thanks for sharing your favorites.

12 years ago

Thanks so much for mentioned (and following) me! I was glad to find your blog through BBAW as well.

Man of la Book
12 years ago

It was a fun week. I only participated in the first three days due to lack of time. However I did enjoy your posts.

12 years ago

I now follow you too! I love the way BBAW introduces bloggers to each other.

12 years ago

Same here, only a couple of posts but lots of commenting. And yes to the overflowing rss reader!

12 years ago

BBAW always makes my reader explode!

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