It’s Labor Day in the US and we’re back home to Massachusetts after a week of sightseeing and line dancing in Ireland with a big group of people from all over the US, Canada, and Europe. A lot of fun, but exhausting, and now I’m home sick in bed, which isn’t a surprise. I’m getting too old to stay up till all hours and then get up early for a full schedule of activities the next day.
I took a ton of pictures, but since this is a book blog, I’m just going to share the bookish ones.
Please let me know what you’re reading in the comments and/or share your blog link! (If you can’t see where to comment, try clicking/tapping on the title of this post to open it in full.)
There are a lot of bookstores in the cities of Dublin and Galway! Check out these links if you’re planning a bookish trip:
- Booklovers’ Guide to Dublin
- Seven of Galway’s Best Bookshops
- See Ireland’s Most Famous Literary Locations
- National Library of Ireland
We didn’t try to visit most of these spots, because we were with dance friends, not bookish friends. I would have gotten to the library for sure, if it had been just my husband and me!

Some of the other book shops I passed by but didn’t get to visit:

Currently Reading
The Bright Sword by Lev Grossman

I was SO close to finishing this 688-page book for Big Book Summer, but my library download expired before I could read the last few chapters!
How to Build a Boat by Elaine Feeney

Currently Listening To
The Ruin by Dervla McTierna

Wanted to have some more Irish reading even though my vacation was ending! I started listening to this during the plane ride home.
Recently Listened To
Bad Summer People by Emma Rosenblum

No likeable characters here, but plenty of snark and rich-people drama.
This post is linked up to It’s Monday, What Are You Reading, hosted by The Book Date. It’s Monday! What Are You Reading is a place to meet up and share what you have been and are currently reading each week. Visit the link-up for more books to add to your groaning TBR pile.