I’m so bad at keeping good reading records! The end of the year is when this becomes most obvious, when so many other book bloggers bring out their amazing lists and annual reading stats, complete with colorful charts and graphs (whatever the difference is).
This list of favorite books is subject not only to my usual memory lapses and reliance on spotty record-keeping (through LibraryThing), but also to the strange moodiness that affected us all in 2020. I read less literary fiction this year than usual, and more rom-coms, stunt memoirs, and essay collections.
Looking back, these are ten of the books I read in 2020 that are still memorable to me now, and that I would recommend to others. They’re not listed in any particular order.
I’m going to try to do a separate list of favorite audiobooks, because I listened to a LOT of audio in 2020.
Gods of Jade and Shadow

Yellow Wife

An American Marriage

When No One Is Watching

Olive Kitteridge and Olive, Again
Utopia Avenue

The Most Fun We Ever Had

Stay with Me

Year of No Sugar

Eat Joy: Stories and Comfort Food from 31 Celebrated Writers

Are any of these on your favorites’ list this year? Or maybe on a past year’s list? I’m sharing this for Top Ten Tuesday, so you’ll find many other favorites’ lists there!