The Top Ten Tuesday topic of “books that makes me smile” makes me think of feel-good books, which we could all use a little more of these days, right? For me, that’s a book that might not make me laugh or smile all the way through, but leaves me smiling by the end, even if it’s through a few tears.
I’ve picked my list only from books that I’ve read within the past year.
With the Fire on High by Elizabeth Acevedo (Print and audio combo)

Beach Read by Emily Henry

Big Sky by Kate Atkinson (Audio)

Eat Joy: Stories & Comfort Food from 31 Celebrated Writers

The Wedding Party by Jasmine Guillory

First Grave on the Right by Darynda Jones (Audio)

An Innocent, A Broad by Ann Leary (Reread)

The Interruption of Everything by Terry McMillan (Audio)

Spinning Silver by Naomi Novik (Audio)

The Princess Beard by Delilah S. Dawson

What have I missed? What book has made you smile recently?

Today’s Top Ten Tuesday Link-Up hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl