Christmas 2014 Foodie Gift Haul

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Weekend Cooking is a weekly feature hosted by Beth Fish Reads linking up food-related posts. Click here to check out other Weekend Cooking posts.

Family, food, and Christmas music, movies, and reading are what I like most about Christmas, but the giving and receiving of gifts can be fun, too! I know Weekend Cooking fans are dying to know which books I received from my Christmas wish list and Cookbook Gift Ideas posts this year, so here you go!

Moosewood Restaurant Favorites

Not a foodie gift, but may be my first book of 2015:

cover imageAlso, a nice surprise that wasn’t on either list:

cover image

To keep me caffeinated at work when I go back January 2nd:

MS_Jingle_Bell_JavaSomething I’ve been wanting for a while, a flat-bottomed wok!

Flat-Bottomed Wok

Cute chef Christmas tree ornament tied to a gift from my mom-in-law:

photo of ornament on gift box
It lights up!

And, maybe the most impressive food gift ever…homegrown popcorn, two varieties layered in a Mason jar, from my sister with gardening contributions from my brother-in-law:

photo of small jar of popcorn with layer of red popcorn in middle

Some photos from our gluten-free Christmas baking from this year:

Happy Weekend Cooking!

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Beth F
10 years ago

First, I’m so impressed with your GF baking. WOW!!! Second, love that flat-bottom wok, and third, how cool is it to grow your own popcorn!

Carole from Carole's Chatter

Happy New Year!

Katherine @ I Wish I Lived in a Library

Your baking looks yummy and I love your new books look interesting. I keep meaning to try one of the Moosewood Restaurant books but haven’t yet. The homegrown popcorn looks so pretty in the jar! That’d be one I’d have a hard time using!

10 years ago

You’ve reminded me that I want to read The Luminaries! And wow–what fun cooking stuff. I still have one more Christmas to attend tonight (which I’m hoping to get the Le Creuset Dutch Oven I’ve been begging my mom for), but our microwave went out yesterday so a new microwave will end up being our gift to ourselves. Sigh.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Laurie!

10 years ago

I love Moosewood cookbooks! Even just to look at them! LOL BTW, speaking of gluten free, I discovered these great pastas that aren’t really pastas – they are from Explore Asia and seem like pasta but are made from stuff like mung beans or adzuki beans, etc. My husband can’t even tell it’s not pasta, although he thinks it’s “artisanal” pasta, like spinach fettucini – LOL

10 years ago

What lovely gifts! I want the salad on the cover of the Moosewood Restaurant cookbook!

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