First Book of the Year 2017 with Sheila @bookjourney

My New Year’s resolution is to fit book blogging  back into my life this year. I have missed it! (Thank you to Carrie of Care’s Books and Pie for insisting that six months isn’t too long of a hiatus!)

My first book of the year is Swing Time by Zadie Smith. It was a surprise gift that I received for Christmas. I bought her last book, NW, for myself, and still haven’t read it, so that’s on the list for 2017, too.

But first, her newest one, Swing Time!

me reading Swing Time in front of Christmas treeNext up in 2017 will be Crosstalk by Connie Willis, which I have been wanting to read since it came out a few months ago.For Sheila’s giant “First Book of the Year 2017” photo collage, and to see what everyone else is reading, visit Book Journey!

Let’s be optimistic for 2017…Happy New Year!







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8 years ago

Happy New Year and happy reading!

Lory @ Emerald City Book Review

Definitely don’t be afraid to come back because you’ve been away for a while — we’ll be all the happier to see you again! Enjoy your first book of 2017. I’m reading The Unwinding by George Packer and it’s excellent.

8 years ago

Welcome back – dont worry about the absence. blogging is a bit like riding a bike or swimming, You never forget how to do it

8 years ago

Nice to see you again, Laurie… hope you love Swing Time. Happy New Year!

8 years ago

oh rats, I forgot Sheila’s feature this year. My first book is The Good and the Great, by Michel Déon, who just passed away

8 years ago

Welcome back. Very glad to read you again.

Diane D
Diane D
8 years ago

Happy First Book reading and Happy New Year Laurie.

8 years ago

Hello! Glad I could play a part in convincing you that any time you want to blog, just blog! 🙂 I love to hear your opinions on books. And you need to tell me if I should read Swing Time sooner or now.
I was out of town for the flip of the calendar page and couldn’t quite do all the posts I wanted to: First book, word of the year, stats, etc. I’m still trying to review all the books I read in December. I finished my first book, Mr. Splitfoot and really liked it. I had the impression it was horror but it is really just delightfully odd and sweet.

Brian Joseph
8 years ago

Welcome back Laurie.

Blogging can be very time consuming and sometimes it can be difficult to fit it into a busy life. I struggle too.

Swing Time looks good.

Happy New Years!

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