First Book of the Year 2020 with Sheila at @bookjourney

bannerFirst Book of the Year  is a book blogging meme hosted by Sheila of Book Journey. I’m getting in under the wire, and may not even make Sheila’s spectacular photo-collage extravaganza this year, but I’m going to start off 2020 with a Christmas book. This way I’ll get a jump on being prepared for the 2020 holiday season, unlike I was for 2019, 2018, 2017…etc.

My first book of the year is going to be Christmas in Austin by Benjamin Markovitz.

First Book of the Year
For Sheila’s “First Book of the Year 2020” photo collages and to see what everyone else is reading, visit Sheila’s Book Journey!

Happy reading in 2020!


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Melissa F.
5 years ago

I’m probably not going to make it in time for the photo collage either…partly because I’m still unsure what my First Book will be!

shelleyrae @ Book'd Out

Lovely! Enjoy your first book!

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