Five-Minute Post: Five-Minute Fudge Wreath #weekendcooking @BethFishReads

I’m taking five minutes to get this Weekend Cooking blog post up about Rachael Ray’s recipe Five-Minute Fudge Wreath recipe. It’s in her cookbook, My Year of Meals; and the recipe is also online:

Took a picture before removing it from the cake pan bottom, just in case!
It came off the pan!

I made this recipe for our January Cookbook Club meeting to see if it could be added to the holiday treats list next year.

Although I am a fudge snob and didn’t think it counted as “real” fudge (because no soft ball stage, no candy thermometer, needed to set in fridge, etc.), the FIve-Minute Fudge Wreath was a big hit at Cookbook Club.

Not much left over after Cookbook Club!

The recipe called for optional decorations with red and green candied cherries, which I couldn’t find in my last-minute dash to the supermarket, so I decorated my wreath with the leftover walnut halves and butterscotch chips.

I would definitely make this again, and think it would be perfect for a dessert buffet or holiday potluck offering.

Happy Weekend Cooking!

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Beth F
Beth F
7 years ago

I watched the video and that sure looks foolproof. I like the idea of the wreath and the decorations for Christmas.

7 years ago

Oh my gosh that looks rich. A morsel would fill you up…..

7 years ago

No question, when it comes to fudge, sweetened condensed milk is a miracle ingredient!

best… mae at

7 years ago

I can’t eat chocolate but if I could I would definitely make this!

7 years ago

A five-minute chocolate treat definitely sounds worth trying!

7 years ago

Fun idea, looks festive and sinfully delicious for the holidays. 🙂

Les in OR
7 years ago

I’m not a big fan of fudge, but this would be a great contribution to our annual holiday potluck! Thanks!

Claudia Riley
Claudia Riley
7 years ago

I would try it for sure, sounds delicious, as well as a lovely presentation for a party.

7 years ago

That’s so pretty and I love fudge, anything chocolate.
Hey, I see you are reading Faithful Place, do you like it? I love Tana French.

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