It’s a Soup Kind of #WeekendCooking Day — Curried Leek Vegetable Soup @SharonPalmerRD

Photo of blue pick-up truck covered with snow
This was taken the other day, but according to the forecast, our driveway could look like this again in a couple of days.

 I’m still recovering from a nasty cold, so I’ve been eating a lot of chicken and rice soup. My husband made me some and I ate all of it, so I’ve been resorting to cans of Progresso Chicken and Wild Rice.

For a change of pace, and to brighten up a cloudy, snowy day, I’m going to make Curried Leek Vegetable Soup from Sharon Palmer’s blog. Here’s how she describes it:

Here’s a simple, flavorful soup recipe that you can throw together in minutes!  The anti-inflammatory spices and antioxidant-rich veggies can help boost your health—and spirits—on the gloomiest day.
Curried Leek Vegetable Soup
This photo of Curried Leek Vegetable Soup is from Sharon Palmer’s blog at

Doesn’t that look delicious?

Sharon Palmer is the author of Plant-Powered for Life, a cookbook and guidebook to adding more plant-based meals to your cooking repertoire. (Read my Weekend Cooking post about it here.)

If Curried Leek Vegetable Soup doesn’t sound good to you, then you might want to try one of the other 22 soups featured on SheKnows:

23 Freezable Soups to Enjoy This Winter

P.S. Here’s how my soup came out! (I made my own spice combination instead of using curry powder.) Delicious!

Weekend Cooking buttonThis post is part of Weekend Cooking, a weekly feature on Beth Fish Reads. Click here for more Weekend Cooking posts from bloggers around the world.

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10 years ago

Well, I hope that spicy delicious looking soup warmed up your day, and that your cold has vamoosed. Boy, the snow did look a bit overwhelming.

10 years ago

It looks delicious! I wish we would have ‘one’ snow day. We are very dry this winter. Not good news for the drought in the west.
Hope your feeling better soon. And—yes, I just might toss that cookbook. I NEED to. I SHOULD. But… can I? LOL

10 years ago

Curried leek sounds delicious for me. That snow is unbelievable. I hope you feel well soon-some soup should do the trick.

Beth F
10 years ago

Oh that soup looks awesome … hummm. Haven’t shopped yet for the week, I may have to add this one to the week’s plan.

Diane (bookchickdi)
10 years ago

With all this cold weather, soup has been a staple around here.

10 years ago

Burrrrr!!! That does look mighty cold. The soup looks delicious. I have been trying to make big batches and freezing some. It was nice to be able to pull out some homemade beef stew this past week for dinner!

Hope you’re feeling better soon!!

Kim (Sophisticated Dorkiness)

Yum! That looks really delicious. I haven’t made nearly enough soup this winter.


[…] weekend, in a Weekend Cooking post about soup, I posted a photo of our driveway. We did get the promised new blizzard, which we’re coming […]

Joy Weese Moll (@joyweesemoll)

That’s a pretty soup! So many great colorful vegetables. Hope you cold is better soon! And that the snow is less than predicted.


[…] going without the homemade, whole-grain rolls and loaves of bread that we used to have, alongside homemade soup, on a regular basis throughout the fall and […]

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