It’s Monday, What Are You Reading? 04-12-21 #IMWAYR

Currently Reading

All the Children Are Home by Patry Francis

I had to set aside my NetGalley copy of All the Children Are Home by Patry Francis (Harper Perennial, 4/13/21) to read a review book on deadline, but I plan to finish it soon, and review it here. All the Children Are Home is set in a fictional Massachusetts small city, similar to the one I live in. My pre-ordered print copy should be on its way soon –or maybe it is already!

From the publisher’s description:

A sweeping saga in the vein of Ask Again, Yes following a foster family through almost a decade of dazzling triumph and wrenching heartbreak—from the author of The Orphans at Race Point.

Set in the late 1950s through 1960s in a small town in Massachusetts, All the Children Are Home follows the Moscatelli family—Dahlia and Louie, foster parents, and their long-term foster children Jimmy, Zaidie, and Jon—and the irrevocable changes in their lives when a six-year-old indigenous girl, Agnes,  comes to live with them.

The Flight Girls by Noelle Salazar

This month’s book club book is The Flight Girls by Noelle Salazar (Mira, 2019). Set on the American military base in Hawaii,, it’s one of several World War II books we’re reading this year.

The Flight Girls is starting out an awful lot like a romance (Mira is an imprint of Harlequin, after all), but is described by the publisher as “a sweeping portrayal of women’s fearlessness, love, and the power of friendship to make us soar.”

The Green Mile by Stephen King

My first readalong in ages! And it’s not too late for you to join in on the #GreenMileAlong readalong hosted by Care’s Books & Pie and The Avid Reader’s Musings. I had to slow down because I started listening to the audiobook as well as reading the ebook, and realized I was about to start Part 5 when we were discussing Part 2! (There are no real rules for the readalong, though.)

The United States of Cocktails by Brian Bartels

Just started reading The United States of Cocktails (Abrams, 2020) over the weekend, after dipping into the Massachusetts section when it came in for me from the library. It seems well worth buying for all the recipes, tales, and traditions, but I definitely do NOT need to own another cocktail book.

Recently Listened To

28 Summers by Elin Hilderbrand

Not my favorite but I listened to the whole thing.

We Begin at the End by Chris Whitaker (DNF)

Have I ever mentioned that I hate books that begin at the end? 28 Summers did this too, so that’s probably what annoyed me about it. We Begin at the End by Chris Whitaker (Macmillan, 2021) has a huge holds list and was a Good Morning America Book Club (?) pick, but the audiobook didn’t grab me.

This post is linked to “It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?” hosted by Kathryn at The Book Date. Check out the link-up party there for more book lists!

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3 years ago

Thanks again for sharing your thoughts and sharing about the Readalong. I’m pacing myself but it is SO EASY to read, to get carried away by the story.

3 years ago

Happy reading this week! The cocktail book looks interesting.

JoAnn @ Gulfside Musing

I’ve just added that cocktail book to my list. Looks good. Trying something new for commenting… fingers crossed.

Jen at Introverted Reader

The Green Mile is so good! Have you read it before or seen the movie? It’s got to be one of my favorite Stephen King books.

The United States of Cocktails sounds interesting. But I’ve been determined to watch what I eat and get rid of some pandemic weight so I’ve largely cut out alcohol for a while. I did bring home The One Bottle Cocktail book for my husband after my last trip to the library and he asked me what he was supposed to do with that! I told him he can take pictures of recipes and fix some when I get back to pre-pandemic weight. 🙂

Enjoy your week!

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz

I liked, but I didn’t love 28 Summers. And I can think of a couple of people who would enjoy reading The United States of Cocktails.

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