It’s Monday, What Are You Reading? 06-21-21 #IMWAYR

Currently Reading

One Two Three by Laurie Frankel

One Two Three (Henry Holt, 2021) by Laurie Frankel

I left One Two Three by Laurie Frankel out of my post yesterday, by accident! It’s just out this month, and I bought my own copy. No waiting for it at the library for me, not after her last book – This Is How It Always Is – was such a huge hit!

The Startup Wife by Tahmima Anam

I received an advance reading copy of The Startup Wife by Tahmima Anam through a LibraryThing Early Reviewers giveaway. I’m about halfway through and really like it. A tech startup love story from the point of view of a woman in computer programming, it reminds me in some ways of Goodbye for Now by Laurie Frankel, which I loved. The Startup Wife is my bedside table book this week.

The Hanging Tree by Ben Aaronovitch

Sixth book in the Rivers of London series – of which I’ve listened to the audio editions of 1-5 – The Hanging Tree by Ben Aaronovitch is the only one I couldn’t get the audio download of through the library. I kept thinking I would start a downloadable audio subscription service to get it, but audiobooks from the library come through so regularly and reliably that I’m never without one or two ready to go.

So I downloaded the e-book and started it as my break time reading at work. The Rivers of London is an addictive urban fantasy police procedural filled with humor (often dark), witty banter, and magic (of both the good and evil variety).

The Hanging Tree is making it harder than usual to put my camp chair away and go back inside to work each day.

My shady reading area in the library parking lot! I have a small car so I can usually save the spot by not pulling in all the way.

Recently Read

The Constant Rabbit by Jasper Fforde

cover image

The Constant Rabbit was a break time book that I finished last week – a satire about prejudice in communities after rabbits take on human size and characteristics. I laughed a lot, but didn’t love the book as much as I did the Thursday Next series, also by Jasper Fforde.

Recently Listened To

Writers & Lovers by Lily King

A 2021 favorite, for sure!! Loved Writers & Lovers by Lily King as an audiobook (narrated by Stacey Glemboski) and may try to wrangle it onto my book club list so I can have a good reason to read it over again, in print.

Currently Listening To

The Sanatorium by Sarah Pearse

Another psychological suspense that is probably going to disappoint and that I hope I won’t be tempted to finish after recently getting sucked in by rave reviews of Her Dark Lies by J.T. Ellison and deeply regretting the time spent on it – waiting for the big reveal that never happened.

This post is linked to “It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?” hosted by Kathryn at The Book Date. Check out the link-up party there for more book lists!

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3 years ago

Your chair in the parking lot is a great idea for reading at lunchtime! I did not love Writers and Lovers as much as you did (reviewed it Feb. 25, 2021).

JoAnn @ Gulfside Musing

Hooray for Writers & Lovers! It will be one of my favorites this year, too. Very clever way to save your reading spot 🙂

3 years ago

Ooh nice reading spot! 🙂

3 years ago

i’ve read a couple of the rivers of london series. still not sure what i think. i don’t find them humorous at all, and i’m not a huge fan of semi-mystical stuff! i really want to like them though…

shelleyrae @ Book'd Out

I love that you spend your lunchtime in a camping chair in the parking lot reading 🙂 I want to find time to read The Rivers of London.

Wishing you a great reading week

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