It’s Monday, What Are You Reading? 08-23-21 #IMWAYR

I don’t know if anyone noticed I’ve been gone for almost a month, but I became a pandemic statistic – a “breakthrough case” of COVID-19. I lost the second half of the summer to being pretty sick, but luckily never developed any of the emergency symptoms. We traveled south (crowded airports, long security lines, full flights, one flight canceled and rescheduled to the next morning after we sat on the plane for an hour waiting to take off); attended a big event, and although I masked up indoors almost all of the time, it was not enough. Two days after our return, I tested positive and my husband tested negative. Two days after my positive result, he tested positive himself (probably from all the close contact with me while traveling). Luckily for me again, he had more mild symptoms than me, so he was able to take good care of me! 😉

I was unable to read a print book or ebook for two full weeks, when all I could do was lie in bed all day or maybe sit on the couch for an hour, and I really missed reading! Due to headache and fatigue, I relied on audiobooks to distract me from my thoughts and fears, and I stuck with light, comfort-listening selections. I was constantly dozing off before the sleep timer ran out, so I had really disjointed listening experiences going back and forth to find my place. I listened to these audiobooks through complete and utter brain fog, so will make no attempt at reviewing them, except to say most of them were short and from series that I was familiar with and liked.

Enough of that now, as I’m trying to recover my normal routine along with my full health. Onward!

Currently Reading

Driving the Deep by Suzanne Palmer

cover image

Recently Read

Rachel to the Rescue by Elinor Lipman

The Souvenir Museum: Stories by Elizabeth McCracken

Recently Listened To

Currently Listening To

Hour of the Witch by Chris Bohjalian

The Way of Integrity by Martha Beck

This post is linked to “It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?” hosted by Kathryn at The Book Date. Check out the link-up party for more book lists!

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3 years ago

Glad you’re starting to feel better!

3 years ago

Your mother is better too….now that you are! I don’t know any of the books you show but I’d like the green balloon animal!

3 years ago

Oh my goodness, I am so sorry you were down and out with the virus. I hope that is well behind you now and that your reading will be back to normal soon. Take care

JoAnn @ Gulfside Musing

I’m so sorry you got a breakthrough case. My sister did, too, and your experiences sound so similar. She was also much sicker than her husband and unable to read for weeks. Interestingly she and her husband both received J&J vaccine. Their 16 yr.old daughter had Pfizer and did not get sick at all. Hope your recovery continues to progress quickly!

3 years ago

Oh I’m so sorry to hear that. these breakthrough cases are so alarming. It’s funny too about the different vaccines- I wonder if some protect more against this or that variant and/ or if it varies by person and their particular immune system? Thank goodness for them though- the thought of Covid without the vaccines is even scarier. My wife had it worse than me too when we had it…

Hope you are feeling a lot better !

Jen at Introverted Reader

Oh my goodness! I’m glad that you’re starting to feel better! I’m also glad it wasn’t worse. We’ve been trying to remember to wear our masks indoors again (we’d relaxed about that when the CDC said we could). We’re also getting more cautious about crowds of any size and eating indoors. It all feels so sadly familiar. And it still might not be enough, as your case proves.

And you have a new look here too! Nice!

Take care!

3 years ago

Your symptoms sound really unpleasant and so sorry you got it. Listening to audio must have been challenging, that sleep button is good isn’t it, if the books are light it helps when you are ill. Take care.

Sue at Book By Book
3 years ago

Oh, my gosh, so sorry to hear you got COVID! I thought that vaccinated people were supposed to only get mild symptoms, but yours sound very severe. So sorry to hear you went through that – glad you are doing better now … and can read again! I hope that Ready Player Two gave you some laughs and entertainment – my husband and I enjoyed it.

Enjoy your books this week – glad to have you back!

Book By Book

Sherry M
3 years ago

oh my sorry to hear that. how awful for you. hope you are well now.

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