Please let me know what you’re up to in the comments! (You may have to click on “Continue Reading” for the comment box to display.)
Currently Reading
As Good as Gone by Larry Watson

“Watson evokes Big Sky Country as well as Montana writing legends like Ivan Doig, Jim Harrison and Norman Maclean. And like those authors, Watson is a naturally gifted storyteller, plainspoken and unpretentious. Watson is excellent at building suspense, and As Good as Gone is frequently exciting in a cinematic sense. (Just try not picturing Sam Elliott as Calvin Sidey.)” —
My book club book for September is As Good as Gone by Larry Watson. It’s set in Montana but it’s more of a family drama than a Western, although there is a cowboy! It’s the story of a dysfunctional family possibly attempting to repair the wounds of the past. Not sure how the book club will like it because people don’t always behave well in it, but I hope the theme of redemption will carry the day.
Lessons by Ian McEwan

Both epic and intimate, the story of one man’s life across generations and historical upheavals, Lessons is a deeply affecting novel about love, loss, ambition, and resolution, from a modern master. – From the Publisher
I received Lessons to read in advance, but it’s coming out tomorrow and I haven’t finished it yet! It’s 448 pages long, and it hasn’t entirely grabbed me yet, but I’ve been reading other books instead and need to give it more attention.
Recently Read
Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin

(Knopf, 2022) by Gabrielle Zevin
Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin was just the kind of book I needed the last couple of weeks. Moving and funny. If you liked this, you should read Goodbye for Now by Laurie Frankel and The Chalk Artist by Allegra Goodman.
Currently Not Reading
Happiness by Design by Paul Dolan

Happiness by Design by Paul Dolan came from the library as an ebook and I’m probably going to return it early and unfinished.
Recently Listened To
Mercy Street by Jennifer Haigh

The highly anticipated new novel by acclaimed New York Times bestselling author Jennifer Haigh—“a gifted chronicler of the human condition” (Washington Post Book World)—is a tense, riveting story about the disparate lives that intersect at a woman’s clinic.
OK, wow. Mercy Street is Jennifer Haigh’s best book yet, and that’s saying a lot. Just finished listening to this audiobook. narrated perfectly by Stacey Glembosky, who doesn’t overdo the accents for the characters in Boston, Maine, and Midwest.
Currently Listening To
I haven’t started a new audiobook yet. The ones waiting for me on my phone are:

This post is linked to “It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?” hosted by Kathryn at The Book Date. Check out the link-up party there for more book lists!
You have some tempting titles, and here are my WEEKLY UPDATES
Nice looking assortment of books. I’m reading lots of review copies right now. Come see my week here. Happy reading!
As Good As Gone looks interesting. I like a good drama set out West sometimes. Yellowstone is a show I was interested in as well, but haven’t taken the plunge yet.
i’m reading the uncaged sky by kylie moore-gilbert and the secret detectives by ella risbridger. A non fiction and a junior book!
Sounds like a good reading week for you. I’ve only read one Ian McEwan novel so far – I have a lot of catching up to do! I love Jennifer Haigh and also enjoyed Mercy Street on audio.
Did you see my previous comment to you last week? You won the Big Book Summer giveaway! I just need your e-mail address so I can send the gift card. You can e-mail me at jacksonde at comcast dot net.
Book By Book
I won??!! I’m having a problem with seeing only WordPress comments on my phone and tablet, so I didn’t see that I was a winner!