It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? 1-23-17 #IMWAYR

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It’s blustery with occasional snow flurries, but our nor’easter is going to be mostly rain here, so no snow shoveling this Monday morning!

cover imageI’m reading My Kitchen Year by Ruth Reichl for the Good Taste Cookbook Club meeting at the library this week. I’ve read the Fall, Winter, Spring sections of the book already, and only have Summer left.

For Cookbook Club on Thursday night, I’ll be making and bringing Lemon Panna Cotta. The recipe is very simple, and I’m hoping it’s as easy as it looks because I’m coasting a little this month because of other projects. I’ll be able to taste some of the other, more complex, recipes that more ambitious members of the group will be tackling.

I’ve been meaning to try The Splendid Table’s recipe for panna cotta, (which includes gelatin, while Ruth Reichl’s does not) so maybe I’ll eventually make them both, and compare!

My Kitchen Year is a beautiful book. Ruth’s personal story of her experience of unexpected unemployment starting in the fall of 2009 combined with gorgeous color photographs from the different seasons makes for a highly pleasurable reading experience. And then there are the recipes! Most of which I want to try.

My Kitchen Year has some personal resonance with me, coincidentally, as I found myself unexpectedly unemployed last fall, as well. I also found solace in cooking and in writing about the recipes I made in Weekend Cooking posts. I never thought to read My Kitchen Year last fall, but I may be able to enjoy it more, now that I (like the author) have moved on and gained perspective on the experience. I do miss having all that time to cook and plan meals, and regret that I didn’t use my time wisely by making copious notes for a book as Ruth Reichl did (haha) but am trying to make up for it by using my time more wisely now!

I miss the Weekend Cooking crowd over at Beth Fish Reads, and hope to get back to writing about cooking again soon.

Happy Reading!

It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? (#IMWAYR) is a place to meet up and share what you have been, are and about to be reading over the week.  It’s a great post to organize yourself. It’s an opportunity to visit and comment, and er… add to that ever-growing TBR pile! So welcome in, everyone. This meme started with J Kaye’s Blog and then was taken up by Sheila from Book Journey. Sheila then passed it on to Kathryn at Book Date.




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Beth F
Beth F
8 years ago

We miss you too!! I finally got a copy of this book, so I can maybe read it soon(ish)

Silver's Reviews
8 years ago

I love her books.


Have a wonderful reading week.

Silver’s Reviews
My It’s Monday, What Are You Reading

8 years ago

I am not a big cook book or reader of such books although this one sounds interesting. I have a couple of sisters who cook and love cook books and are forever sharing recipes. Me just plain old, plain old!

8 years ago

How fun to read a good cook book. Pinterest is my cookbook so I’ve stopped looking at them. Thank you for dropping by!

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