It’s Monday, What ARE YOU READING? 11-2-20 #IMWAYR

Currently Reading

Gods of Jade and Shadow by Sylvia Moreno-Garcia (Random House, 2019)

I started Gods of Jade and Shadow by Silvia Moreno-Garcia (if that name is familiar, it’s probably because of her newest book, Mexican Gothic) on a virtual trip to Mexico for a long weekend. With virtual travel, there’s no long flights back and forth to read on, though, so I didn’t finish it!

The Archived (Little Brown Books for Young Readers, 2014) by Victoria Schwab

Still reading The Archived by Victoria Schwab‘s this week. Wrote about this YA book last week, if you’re curious about it.

Yellow Wife by Sadeqa Johnson (Simon & Schuster, January 2021)

Yellow Wife by Sadeqa Johnson is a advanced review copy that I’m starting today. Review is due November 10!

Recently Read

Get a Life, Chloe Brown (HarperCollins, 2019) by Talia Hibbert

Get a Life, Chloe Brown by Talia Hibbert is a steamy rom-com, especially once Chloe and Red get together and their passion heats up. I wrote more about this one last week.

Recently Listened To

cover image of audiobook

Finished listening to That Kind of Mother this week. Hoping to write more later about this novel with its themes of marriage, motherhood, race, and class, and a main character readers may not completely like all the time.

Murder at the VIcarage by Agatha Christie, read by Richard E. Grant

Murder at the Vicarage introduces the hyper-observant Miss Marple!

Currently Listening To

Pet Sematary by Stephen King

Pet Sematary by Stephen King is very scary and sad. Maybe not the best choice of audiobook for the week leading up to Election Day tomorrow.

Happy Monday! What are you reading this week?

This post is linked to “It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?” link-up hosted by Kathryn at The Book Date. Check out other book bloggers there for more book lists!

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Beth F
Beth F
4 years ago

I’m way too much of a wimp to read Stephen King!

Kathy Martin
Kathy Martin
4 years ago

Nice variety of books. I have been seeing Agatha Christie books all over the place lately. I think someone is trying to tell me something! I’ll have to give her a try. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

4 years ago

I love Pet Semetary but you’re right, super sad!! I’m just hoping to get any reading I can done this week, but we’ll see.

Laurel-Rain Snow
4 years ago

I am curious about Yellow Wife. Enjoy your week, and thanks for visiting my blog.

4 years ago

Ah you are welcome to Pet Cemetery, I never read scary as I would not sleep for weeks! But happy reading!

Jen at Introverted Reader

I should probably download something nice and fluffy to read during election day, now that you mention it. I’m currently working on a Ray Bradbury collection and some of those stories are downright panic-inducing! Or maybe I’ll just tinker around with blog housekeeping. I don’t know that I’ll be able to concentrate on anything until we have election results.

Enjoy your week!

4 years ago

I’ve heard good things about Moreno- Garcia!

Sue at Book By Book
4 years ago

Ooooh, I want to hear more about your virtual Mexico trip!! That sounds like fun! Might be a good idea during the long at-home winter we have ahead.

I enjoyed Chloe Brown, too. As someone with a chronic illness, it was refreshing to see it dealt with in such an honest way- and in a sexy romance novel, too!

I read Pet Semetary back in the 80’s when it first came out. My mom, dad, and I used to read every King novel when it was released! We just passed them around the house – then went to the movie adaptations when they came out!

I also read lots of Agatha Christie when I was in high school and re-introduced myself to her last fall with And Then There Were None – I definitely want to re-read more!

Hope you have enjoyed some good books this week (I’m a little late with my “Monday” visits!)


Book By Book

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