It’s Monday, What Are You Reading? 5-6-24

I passed my test (barely) of remembering my blog password without having to look it up to log in, but yikes! It’s been a long time since my last post. I’m getting this post up today, without fail, to keep myself in the game!

Currently Reading

The Fraud by Zadie Smith

The Fraud (Penguin Random House, 2023) by Zadie Smith

“Zadie Smith’s The Fraud is a lot of things: a meticulously researched work of historical fiction, a smart narrative about the importance of truth and the shortcomings of perspective, and a tale that delves deeply into authenticity and justice.” – NPR

The Fraud by Zadie Smith has been on my “need to get to that” mental list, but I didn’t purchase a copy or make a commitment until I signed up for a reader’s advisory project at work that required me to have a thorough knowledge of Zadie Smith’s books, including the new work of historical fiction (not my favorite genre). I should have known better, because the book is so NOT full of the gowns the ladies wore in the 1800s or meticulously described, historically accurate carriage journeys, country estates, and city streets. (My prejudices about historical fiction are coming out!)

Read more: It’s Monday, What Are You Reading? 5-6-24

Rhodesian Doll Hunt by C.L. Manning

A Rhodesian Colonel, the leader of an American revolutionary group, a renowned scientist, and a Bushman Elder in the Okavango, all want possession of a set of African nesting dolls?

Just started Rhodesian Doll Hunt by C.L. Manning last night. It was a purchase from the local author event we held at my library on Saturday. The author is a member of the library writers group, so I feel as though I watched this book being born!

Recently Read

Miss Austen by Gill Hornby

For fans of Jo Baker’s Longbourn, a witty, wonderfully original novel about Cassandra Austen and her famous sister, Jane.

Bought Godmersham Park by Gill Hornby when I was traveling in London at the end of January, but realized I had missed her first book about Jane Austen’s friends and family, so had to read Miss Austen first. A bittersweet story told from Jane’s sister’s perspective, and a good book!

Recently Listened To

The Husbands by Holly Gramazio

I love marriage novels and time travel, so even though The Husbands is not exactly time travel, it was close enough to work for me. Loved the narrator of the audiobook, too – Miranda Raison!

The Leftover Woman by Jean Kwok

Currently Listening To

Please let me know what you’re reading in the comments and/or share your blog link! (If you can’t see where to comment, try clicking/tapping on the title of this post to open it in full.)

This post is linked up to It’s Monday, What Are You Reading, hosted by The Book Date. It’s Monday! What Are You Reading is a place to meet up and share what you have been and are currently reading each week. Visit the link-up for more books to your groaning TBR pile.

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Kathy M Martin
Kathy M Martin
10 months ago

Nice looking assortment of books. All are new to me. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

10 months ago

I enjoyed Miss Austen too. She is a good author.

10 months ago

I have only read Zadie Smith’s nonfiction work. I have enjoyed all of them and been gobsmacked by a few. If I had more time, or needed to, I would read more of her work.

Helen Murdoch
10 months ago

I haven’t heard good things about Zadie Smith’s latest book so won’t be reading it, which for some reason makes me sad.

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz
10 months ago

I’m glad you remembered your password without having to look it up. I am glad you are staying in the game.

Sue @ Book By Book
10 months ago

So nice to hear from you, Laurie! Sorry I didn’t get over here last week – just super busy in the week leading up to Mother’s Day weekend (and my mom’s birthday). Zadie Smith was one of the authors I put on my “authors I’ve never read that I want to try” list for my gift ideas list for family, so my husband gave me White Teeth – going to get to it soon, maybe for Big Book Summer! And I’ve been hearing about The Husbands – time travel adjacent?? Sign me up! Thanks for your kind comment on my blog last week – I always worry I write too much and am too long-winded! Get me talking or writing about books and it’s hard to stop!!

Hope you’re well –

Book By Book

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