It’s Monday, What Are You Reading? 9-11-23

Remembering 9/11 – 22 years later

Another late post! If I could only start on my Sunday post on Saturday and my Monday post on Sunday…

My husband is in Singapore for work this week, so it’s already Tuesday for him!

Currently Reading

The Past by Tessa Hadley

Harper Perennial, 2016

I just read a chapter in The Past by Tessa Hadley that seemed so familiar, I thought I remembered reading it before. I’ve had this hardcover for a long time, and I put it on this year’s TBR Pile Challege list because I thought I had never read it. It’s only that one chapter that gave me that deja vu (deja lu?) feeling, so I guess it’s possible that a single chapter was published as a short story in The New Yorker or somewhere else where I’d read it before.

I’ve pretty much always tried to keep track of my reading somehow, but haven’t been consistent, so it’s also entirely possible that I’ve actually already read this whole book and forgotten all but one chapter.

Happy Place by Emily Henry

Penguin, 2023

I like to have a lighter book to read at lunchtime at work or at bedtime when I’m tired. I didn’t really like People We Met on Vacation, so this might be my last Emily Henry. Although Beach Read was a lot of fun, I haven’t liked any of the others quite as much.

Recently Read

Yoga Pant Nation by Laurie Gelman

Macmillan, 2021

I like to have some lighter reading for when I’m at lunch at work, or at bedtime when I’m tired, and this past weekend especially, when I was under the weather and pretty much hanging around at home. Yoga Pant Nation by Laurie Gelman was a fun choice. It’s third after Class Mom and You’ve Been Volunteered.

I think they’re funny mom-lit, but the sarcastic humor of the story’s narrator – a wine-drinking, junk food-eating mom who, after being guilted by the school principal into heading up the school’s fundraising committee ,dubs it “We Fundraise Until Kingdom Come Team” (WeFUKCT) – might not be to everyone’s taste.

This one also fit the Massachusetts Center for the Book Reading Challenge for the month of September to read a book with the same first or last name as you.

Fludd by Hilary Mantel

Viking, 1989

Fludd by Hilary Mantel is one of those books that’s been on the shelf for so long, I don’t remember where it came from. I think I picked it up at a library book sale way back when, after listening to the audiobook of Wolf Hall and being so struck by it. As I was reading it, I kept thinking how much my husband would like it, but it turns out he has already read it! So maybe it was in his book collection. Who knows? After thirty-eight years of marriage, even the bookshelf boundaries start to get blurred!

Recently Listened To

Mother of the Bride Murder by Lucy Meier

Not my favorite in the series, but it’s always good to catch up with intrepid reporter-mom (now grandmom, too) Lucy Stone and her family. This one is set at a chateau in France!

Currently Listening To

A Murder of Crows by Sarah Yarwood-Lovett

Bonnier, 2022

A Murder of Crows by Sarah Yarwood-Lovett is categorized as a romantic thriller by the Romance Novelists Association, which shortlisted this book in that category for their 2023 awards. Which is good, because I think I’ve figured out the murderer, and I usually don’t bother trying to figure out whodunnit!

[Edited to say , now that I’ve finished, that I guessed wrong about the murderer!]

The potential love triangle that’s developing is intriguing, and even though the main female character is a serious scientist and a murder suspect, the two sexy men are a big distraction. I’ll look for the next book in the series to see how the characters develop. The audiobook narrator, Kristin Atherton, is new to me, I think, but seems to do the different British accents nicely.

This post is linked to “It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?” hosted by Kathryn at The Book Date. Check out the link-up party there for more book lists!

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Helen Murdoch
1 year ago

Ok. That mom book sounds really fun and like my kind of book. It’s going on the TBR list. Thank you

Sue @ Book By Book
1 year ago

I hope you’re feeling better these days. That was a rough run! Looks like a fun variety of books for you lately. Hope you’re enjoying your books this week, too.

Book By Book

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