It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? 9-16-19 #IMWAYR

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Mid-September Already????

Since my last post I borrowed and was able to listen to the ends of a few audiobooks that had expired on me, but not Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides, which expired again before I could finish! (Should probably just get the book out from the library and read the rest.)

Recommended on Audio — LIterary Fiction

  • Normal People by Sally Rooney, narrated by Aoife McMahon (Random House Audio, 2019)
  • The Great Believers by Rebecca Makkai, narrated by Michael Crouch (Penguin Audio, 2018)
  • The Sentence Is Death by Anthony Horowitz, narrated by Rory Kinnear (Harper Audio, 2019)
  • Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides, narrated by Kristoffer Tabori (Audio Renaissance, 2002) — A 2003 Audie Award winner despite a scathing review of the audiobook narration from Audio File

Recent Audio Listens

Only Time Will Tell
Only Time Will Tell by Jeffrey Archer

Only Time Will Tell by Jeffrey Archer, narrated by Roger Allam (Macmillan Audio, 2011) — First in the Clifton Chronicles
Thumbs Up: For Penny VIncenzi readers and family saga and Forsyte Saga mini-series fans

Read in Print

For Book Club

I finally read Educated by Tara Westhover! Underwhelming to me after all the hype, but I was in a minority of one in my book club.

cover image
Educated by Tara Westover

From the Nightstand

cover image of A Widower's Notebook plain cover looks like a notebook
The WIdower’s Notebook by Jonathan Santlofer (Penguin, 2018)

The WIdower’s Notebook: A Memoir by Jonathan Santlofer deserves its own review. But in case I don’t ever get to that, this one is for readers who liked Joan Didion’s A Year of Magical Thinking. An artist and a writer, Jonathan Santlofer wrote this book about the period of his life following the sudden death of his wife, Joy, after a routine outpatient procedure.

Currently on the Nightstand

cover image of book
A Crime of Passion Fruit by Ellie Alexander (St. Martin’s, 2017)

It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? (#IMWAYR) is hosted by Kathryn at Book Date. It’s a place to meet up and share what you have been, are, and about to be reading over the week. It’s a great post to organize yourself. It’s an opportunity to visit and comment, and er… add to that ever-growing TBR pile! This meme started with J Kaye’s Blog and then was taken up by Sheila from Book Journey. Sheila then passed it on to Kathryn at Book Date.



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5 years ago

I like Jeffrey Archer as an author and of course read his Kane and Abel series. I looked at this one on Audible and did wonder about it so interesting to see you have listened to it. I have really enjoyed some of his short stories as well as the twists are good.

5 years ago

do you borrow the audiobooks as discs or download as an mp3 type file? Our system means if we have an mp3 file it can still stay on your computer drive which is very useful for books that I can’t get through quickly

Beth F
Beth F
5 years ago

Middlesex was awesome on audio! I haven’t read Educated yet, but I think I’m going to listen to that one too.

Beth F
Beth F
5 years ago
Reply to  Beth F

Holy cow! Can’t believe that AudioFile review. Yikes! I remember loving the audiobook.

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