Have you ever tried to throw up a quick blog post in the morning before work on a old, slow laptop with too many tabs open in an out-of-date browser? If you have, you know where I’m coming from. (P.S. If you want to like and/or comment on this post — and please do! — you might need to click on “Read More” or the heading of the post to see where to comment.)
Currently Reading
The Story of the Lost Child by Elena Ferrante

I didn’t get to this for Big Book Summer, but I don’t want to wait until next summer to read this 400+-page finale to the Neapolitan Novels quartet.
The Islanders by Meg Mitchell Moore
I was trying to squeeze in one last summer book before the official end of the season, but didn’t finish in time!
Temporarily Not Reading
Excellent Advice for Living by Kevin Kelly
I saw Excellent Advice for Living by Kevin Kelly recommended on Deb Nance’s Readerbuzz blog, and borrowed it on Libby from the library, not realizing how in demand it would be. I only have two days left, and haven’t gotten very far into it, so will have to relinquish it for now.
Currently Listening To
Witch King by Martha Wells
The Living Blood by Tananarive Due
Starting my October RIP (“Readers in Peril”) challenge audiobooks early this year!
This post is linked to “It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?” hosted by Kathryn at The Book Date. Check out the link-up party there for more book lists!
Some interesting books to finish!
Harvee at https://bookdilettante.blogspot.com/2023/09/new-books-raging-storm-and-paris-novel.html
I don’t like that summer is ending. Not only do I still have summer books to read but the winter stack is piling up too. Come see my week here. Happy reading!
Ha ha I think I’ve probably tried doing that before! Whenever I try to put a post up fast it ends up being a problem lol.
Looks like some good reading. Have a great week!