It’s Monday, What Are You Reading? 9-26-22

Currently Reading

I missed posting for last Monday’s link-up on Sept. 19th, but that’s OK, because I haven’t made a lot of progress since!

Lessons by Ian McEwan

Lessons (Knopf, Sept. 13, 2022) by Ian McEwan

Both epic and intimate, the story of one man’s life across generations and historical upheavals, Lessons is a deeply affecting novel about love, loss, ambition, and resolution, from a modern master. – From the Publisher

I received Lessons to read in advance, but I’m only halfway through and it was published this month already. It’s almost 450 pages long. Each part of the main character’s life story has been interesting in its own right, but so far the story of this “one man’s life” hasn’t coalesced for me into a “deeply affecting novel.”

Happy Holidays by Craig O’Connor

Happy Holidays is a collection of short horror by local author Craig O’Connor, which I’ve been reading along with the 2022 holidays. I’m now caught up through St. Swithin’s Day and am ready for the big one…Halloween!

Whenafter by Terri Bruce

Trying something new! Subscribed to New England author Terri Bruce’s Patreon to read the latest book in her Afterlife series and am reading Whenafter in serial format via the BookFunnel app.

Recently Listened To

Both of these audio downloads from the library expired before I could finish them, but that’s OK. I don’t know if it’s me, the audiobook narrators, or the books themselves, but both stories seemed too predictable.

Currently Listening To

Danger, Sweetheart by MaryJanice Davidson

The Puzzler by A.J. Jacobs

This post is linked to “It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?” hosted by Kathryn at The Book Date. Check out the link-up party there for more book lists!

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2 years ago

I have a couple of audio books to get to, one of these days.I read a book and liked it so much I got the audio to listen to it, but was disappointed. I much preferred reading the book, for some reason.

2 years ago

Oh well sometimes if a book expires and you are just not that into it then…. no loss!

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