King Arthur Flour Gluten-Free Cookies #weekendcooking @BethFishReads

Weekend Cooking buttonWeekend Cooking is a weekly feature hosted by Beth Fish Reads, linking up food-related posts. Click here for links to this week’s Weekend Cooking posts on Beth Fish Reads and other blogs.

I like to bake, but am not very ambitious. I stick with simple recipes, but I prefer to bake from scratch. I usually see recipes that start off with a mix as cheating, but that’s probably silly, especially when it comes to gluten-free baking, where half the battle is putting together your own mix of flours before you even start the actual recipe.

Yesterday I added white chocolate chips and dried cranberries to a King Arthur Flour Gluten-Free Cookie Mix and brought a large plate of them for an event at the library. No one studied them before taking one or questioned whether there was something different about them, and there were only two left on the plate at the end. I ate those!

I wouldn’t call them perfect, but they were tasty! They were softer than I like, but they definitely beat slice-and-bake cookies for homemade taste and appearance, and they were very quick to make.

I saved a few aside to freeze, to see how they hold up, for future reference.

 I posted about King Arthur Flour cake mixes for Weekend Cooking before, here. If you aren’t familiar with the King Arthur Flour blog and you like to bake, check it out here.

Happy Weekend Cooking!

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10 years ago

The cookies sound good to me. I tried eating gluten-free for a while (a year?) just because (digestive issues), but I don’t worry so much about it right now. But I will try this cookie mix sometime.

Beth F
10 years ago

I love KAF, but I haven’t tried any of their mixes yet. I’ll keep this in mind when I have to bake for my GF friends.

Catherine @ Book Club Librarian

These cookies sound delicious! Nice ingredient combination. Thanks for visiting my blog…happy reading and baking.

10 years ago

For some baking I don’t mind starting with pre-made ingredients and for others like my homemade meatballs and gravy..i start from scratch. I love cranberries so these cookies appeal to me. Thanks for sharing, and how nice that you shared at the library event!

Diane (@bookchickdi)
10 years ago

I would definitely love those cookies. Thanks for the tip on the GF mixes.

10 years ago

I have been planning to try KAF for GF baking. They sure are the best for regular flour!

10 years ago

I’m not sure if I can find the King Arthur Flour where I live. I love your hassle-free cookies

10 years ago

And I look forward to reading the outcome of the frozen dough

10 years ago

They look good! I think that’s often the best way, not saying anything about a difference, and interesting that you often can’t tell unless told.

April @ The Steadfast Reader

I’m glad to see these came out well, I too am interested in how they hold up in the freezer.

Thanks for linking up with Spread the Love!

10 years ago

I’m with you. I generally bake from scratch, but when I need something gluten free, I usually start with a mix. It also takes a lot of worry out of the equation. We are a gluten house, so I am very careful about scrubbing utensils and work spaces etc. It’s much easier when it comes to dairy free, since we do that all the time. Still use Duncan Hines brownie mix since it has no dairy, but would prefer to find a recipe using no dairy.

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