Last Day to Enter to Win Yikes! Another Quirky Audio Book by Adele Park

cover image of MP3-CDToday is the last day to enter to win a brand-new, unopened copy of Yikes! Another Quirky Audio Book by humorist/author/radio personality Adele Park. Yikes! is a slightly risque audiobook, but nothing worse than your average Saturday Night Live sketch, so don’t let the mention of marijuana in the tag line scare you off!

For anyone who’s still sticking to New Year’s resolutions, this is a fun one to listen to while you exercise – no lengthy descriptions or literary phrasing. It’s all humorous dialogue. Please go to the Giveaways page to enter your name in the random drawing.Photo of author Adele Park

By the way, Adele Park featured Bay State Reader’s Advisory on her new blog, Adele Park’s Quirky Audio Books,  recently, which was exciting for me! Please check out her post about Bay State RA and her other posts on topics related to audiobooks, podcasts, radio, etc.

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12 years ago

A whole post about your blog, that’s awesome 😀 I was quite surprised to see drugs in the title, yes.

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