Listen Up! Audiobook Week Day 3 #JIAM

Midweek Meme for Day 3 of Audiobook Week hosted by Devourer of Books

Current/most recent audiobook
The Untelling
by Tayari Jones, narrated by Michele Blackmon (Chivers Sound Library, 2005)

This novel is a first-person narration by main character Ariadne Jackson who grew up in the shadow of a family tragedy. All may not be as it seems at first. Reading by Michele Blackmon excellent so far. Her Atlanta, Georgia accent…not twangy at all!

Current/most recent favorite audiobook
This is a tough one, but I think Ready Player One has been mentioned enough already this week, so I’ll pick The Night Swimmer by Matt Bondurant, narrated by Hillary Huber, published by AudioGO. Read my review here.

Favorite narrator you’ve discovered recently
Tai Sammons who read The Reapers Are the Angels. Beautiful and sad!

One title from your TBL (to be listened) stack, or your audio wishlist
Adding lots to the TBL pile with all the Audiobook Week recommendations, but one I picked up at BEA that I’m looking forward to is Memoirs of an Imaginary Friend by Matthew Dicks, narrated by Matthew Brown (Macmillan Audio).

Your audio dream team (what book or author would you LOVE to see paired with a certain narrator, can already exist or not)
Lenny Henry’s narration of Anansi Boys by Neil Gaiman was absolutely perfect. I don’t understand why some like it when Neil Gaiman reads his books himself, when it has been clearly demonstrated that a pro does a far better job. *ducks*

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DevourerofBooks (@DevourerofBooks)

I have THE REAPERS ARE THE ANGELS, must listen!

12 years ago

Yes! I will search for Anansi Boys! and don’t knock Gaiman as a narrator – I think he does a fine job. I listened to Neverwhere and enjoyed it very much.

12 years ago
Reply to  Laurie C

I loved American Gods! that’s how I’m sure I will love Anansi Boys too. And I am excited that you loved the audio so I hope to go that route.

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