Mini @Bloggiesta Finish Line June 13-14

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The Summer Mini Bloggiesta is over. The next Bloggiesta is a big one in the fall, September 17-20, when book bloggers unite to work on their blogs, learn from each other, and talk about bloggy stuff. I had fun and got a few things on my list accomplished!

Update blogrollDONE
Sadly said good-bye to The Bibliotaphe Closet, Devourer of Books, The Oddiophile, and You’ve Gotta Read This (moved to Facebook), which are no longer active blogs.
Added I’m Lost in Books, which I didn’t realize wasn’t already there, and Thoughts from an Evil Overlord, which was a Mini Bloggiesta discovery.
Updated link to She Is Too Fond of Books, which has moved from WordPress to Blogger, and fixed up some links that didn’t open in a new window.
I enjoyed revisiting all of the blogs on my blogroll; here are a few of the interesting posts I caught up on:

The Boston Bibliophile: San Francisco Book Shopping

Chrisbookarama: Female Character Deal Breakers

Citizen Reader: Have you bought any fun reference books lately?

I’m Lost in Books: Mini Bloggiesta Goals (Becca wins the Best Bloggiesta To-Do List Award!)

Literate Housewife: June Is Audiobook Month Giveaway

Stacked: How Do You Organize Your Books? (Take the poll!)

2. Organize list of books I’ve committed to review DONE

3. Get a week’s worth of posts scheduled

4. Back up the blog DONE

5. Do plug-in updates DONE

6. Join the Twitter chat on Sunday (3 p.m. EST) DONE
Talked about favicons, copyright, image resizing, Pinterest, and was reminded by Becca of I’m Lost in Books mention of updating her “Books Read” list that I haven’t remembered to update my Reviews by Title and Reviews by Author pages in a while. Something for the next Bloggiesta?

7. Visit other Bloggiesta participants’ blogs DONE

Did you participate in Bloggiesta? Link up your finish line post at Bloggiesta Central and check out what other book bloggers are planning to do, too. And before you go, enter my bloggiversary giveaway to win your very own copy of The Orphans of Race Point by Patry Francis! It’s perfect for sinking into this summer, or any time of year!

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Laurel-Rain Snow
9 years ago

Great job, Laurie! I enjoyed seeing what you accomplished, and you have done a lot!

I also loved reading the post about organizing books. I am a fan of seeing what others do with their books.

Thanks for visiting my blog!

9 years ago

Well done Laurie, you got quite a lot done.

Here’s my End of Bloggiesta post

Jenni Elyse (@jenni_elyse)

It looks like you got a lot of stuff done for Bloggiesta! Congrats! 😀

Booker Talk
9 years ago

your first ‘to do’ item reminded me of how many blogs I followed avidly when I first started blogging,. that have since disappeared.

9 years ago

You did a fantastic job with your list! 🙂


[…] the last two main Bloggiesta events (spring and fall) although I managed to participate in the June and January Mini Bloggiestas this year. I’m committed to the one that starts today and runs […]

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