Mini Bloggiesta To-Do List #bloggiesta @Bloggiesta

Mini Bloggiesta badge, text says Mini Bloggiesta January 16 to 17I hope to accomplish a few items over the weekend during the January Mini Bloggiesta, along with a bunch of other book bloggers. I can usually recycle items on my lists from past Bloggiestas and think of plenty to do, but this time I’m keeping it extremely mini:

  1. Post my 2015 Favorite Audiobooks list DONE! Click here if you don’t believe me or to get some listening suggestions…
  2. Write and schedule three other posts 1/3 DONE
  3. Visit and comment on some of the blogs I’ve lost track of
  4. Award prize from Mini Challenge I hosted last Bloggiesta (oops!) Mary R of Bibliographic Manifestations completed the Blog Roll Overhaul Mini Challenge during the fall Bloggiesta, bringing her blog roll down from 91 to 49, and her name was selected by random drawing.
  5. Update the review indexes (by Author and by Title)

To see what other bloggers are doing for housekeeping or to freshen up their blogs over the weekend (extended to Monday, if you have Martin Luther King Jr.’s Day off), check out the complete list of starting posts at

Some of you may be wondering what exactly is Bloggiesta and/or when is it? In short, Bloggiesta is a blogging marathon revolving around ticking off those items on your to-do list and improving your blog while in the good company of other awesome bloggers doing the same thing. Our awesome mascot Pedro (Plan. Edit. Develop. Review. Organize) is ready to break out the nachos, enchiladas, drinks, mariachi music and whack a pinata or two! It’s nothing short of an awesome fiesta! — from the About Bloggiesta page, for more click here.

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9 years ago

Good luck on your list! Happy Bloggiesta!

Guiltless Reading
9 years ago

Happy Ole-ing 🙂 Good luck with you goals! I too am trying to get organized…

9 years ago

Good luck! I hope you’re getting lots done!

Laurel-Rain Snow
9 years ago

I hope you have a lot of fun and achieve all your goals. Thanks for visiting my blog.

Emily @ Alwaysopinionatedgirl

I hope you managed to cross everything off your list! Happy Bloggiesta! I’m interested to check out your audiobooks post as I never listen to them myself. X

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