National Book Award Finalists @nationalbook

NBA logoThe Bluestocking Society has the list of National Book Award finalists with an organized and attractive lineup of all the book covers, too, so head over there to see the full list of National Book Award finalists and comment on which ones you’ve read. (Me=none, so far, but definitely plan to read Junot Diaz’s This Is How You Lose Her soon, after listening to audiobook edition of The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao ten years late.)

This year’s ratio of male to female authors? 13:7.

Click here for the National Book Awards site to find out more about the awards process and the National Book Foundation’s mission to “celebrate the best of American literature, to expand its audience, and to enhance the cultural value of good writing in America” with these annual awards.

4,565 people like the National Book Awards on Facebook, and you can follow the NBA on Twitter, too. Something just seems wrong about that.

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12 years ago

Right, seems like I haven’t read any of the nominated books :s I wonder what Junot Diaz’ This Is How You Lose Her is like. I didn’t like his other award-winning book.

Stephanie @ Read in a Single Sitting

I haven’t read any of those either (although I’ve heard so much about the Diaz I feel like I’ve read it!). That gender ratio is still a bit sad-making, too.

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