It’s Monday, What ARE YOU READING? 8-31-20 #IMWAYR

Bookshelf with text across the top reading "Speaking of Books..."

Currently Reading

The Book of Kings by James Thackera
cover image - Mexican imagery with a girl seen from the back
Umami by Laia Jufresa, translated by gh
Utopia Avenue by David Mitchell
Mark of the Empress by M. Dalto (Parliament House, 2020)

Recently Listened To

Stay Sexy & Don’t Get Murdered (Macmillan Audio, 2019) by Karen Kilgariff & Georgia Hardstack

Currently Listening To

The Power (Hachette Audio, 2017) by Naomi Alderman, read by the author

This post is linked to “It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?” hosted by Kathryn at The Book Date. Check out the link-up party there for more book lists!