Punching Up Packed Lunches #weekendcooking @BethFishReads

After several months of being unemployed, I have recently gone back to working in a library, and so have started bringing packed lunches again. I am lucky to have a husband who often packs lunch for me, complete with unexpected little treats!

But I do try to pack my own lunch at least a couple of times a week, so I checked out this article right away when it came into my email inbox from Refinery29:

11 Things People Who Pack Their Lunches Always Do

The ideas in the slide show reflect different approaches and eating/cooking styles; depending on your level of willingness to plan ahead, spend money, etc., only some may seem worth a try to you. Some of them I occasionally do already, such as  immediately portioning out and putting away a lunch-sized serving for the next day of whatever we’re having for dinner. Tip #9 from Senior Health Editor Amelia Harnish was my favorite, “Pack a fun snack”:

The secret to bringing your own lunch every day for real is making a lunch you actually like eating — something that’s healthy and makes you feel full and satisfied and happy —but it also has to be easy to make. I usually go with a salad with plenty of protein and a “surprise” ingredient, which is mandatory.

Sometimes I top my salad with sweet potato fries; sometimes it’s the chicken I didn’t finish at dinner the night before. Sometimes I add salsa and also pack chips, or it’s even weirder, like a scoop of leftover Indian food. I also build in other treats: cheese sticks, chips, Oreos, whatever you want. Lunch dessert is important. — Amelia Harnish, Senior Health Editor

I’ve been on a salad kick for the last couple of months, and have already been making plain garden salads more interesting with toppings like rice salad, hard-boiled eggs, assorted cheeses, seasoned/dressed canned beans, capers, toasted sunflower seeds, and slivers of sundried tomatoes. Also adding torn leaves of basil, parsley, and/or mint to the mixed greens, and always remembering to pack a little bottle of homemade salad dressing!


But after reading Tip #9, I tried putting leftover Chinese food on salad greens for lunch, and it was pretty good!

The other day I finally thought of returning the favor and made a salad for my husband’s lunch (He works from home.) when I made my own in the morning!


Some of our best recent salad efforts:

Don’t forget fruit salads!

Happy Weekend Cooking!

Weekend Cooking badgeLinked to Weekend Cooking, a weekly feature on Beth Fish Reads. Click/tap image for Weekend Cooking posts from other bloggers.


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Beth F
8 years ago

Packing lunch for my husband (whether he does it or I do) is always so difficult. Thanks for some good ideas!

Katherine @ I Wish I Lived in a Library

These salads are gorgeous! And they look so tasty and tempting! When I was working I was terrible at packing my lunch and all my coworkers were big on going out to lunch so even when I did pack I more often than not got talked into going out to eat. When I’m cleaning up from dinner I usually make my husband a plate of leftovers for lunch the next day but if we don’t have leftovers or they weren’t very travel friendly he ends up eating out which isn’t good for him or the budget. These salads look way better!

Carole from Carole's Chatter

It’s years since I’ve packed a lunch! Have a great week. Cheers from Carole’s Chatter

8 years ago

Lovely ideas. I pack my lunch everyday, and I should use some of these hints.

8 years ago

Thanks for the nice tips and suggestions!

8 years ago

All the articles about lunch seem to focus on kids’ lunch boxes. It’s nice to see someone looking out for the vast number of grownups who brown bag it!

best… mae at maefood.blogspot.com

8 years ago

You have some good and healthy lunches packed there. I admire that. So many people I work with go out everyday. My husband and I take lunch almost every single day to keep it economically friendly to our account and becaus, most of all, it’s healthier. I love your ideas and lunches!

Diane (@bookchickdi)
8 years ago

How lovely that your husband packs such beautiful lunches for you. They all look wonderful and put my yogurt lunches to shame. You gave us some great tips too!

Esme (@cococroissants)

Yeah on going back to work. How lucky for you your husband makes your lunch. I am with you on the homemade lunches. It is a way to keep the waist trim and the wallet fat. I read the 11 things list-must say I do not agree with all-I have never used a delivery service. I like choosing my own produce. That and while we have leftovers I do not make meals in advance and then freeze them. Have a good day.

8 years ago

I don’t pack lunches, but those are great ideas for dinner salads. It seems mine get in such a rut.

8 years ago

Congratulations on the new job! I’m terrible at packing lunches…unless I have leftovers and can just grab that.

8 years ago

Your salads inspire me, as I tire of sandwiches during the school year. But, it’s so hard for me to give up chips! I’m a bit assuaged when the food editor said there must be lunch dessert. But of course! 😉

Charlie (The Worm Hole)

Your lunches look amazing. I’m going to have to invite myself over 😉

I like the idea of adding leftovers to a salad. We often have left overs for lunch but it’s just what was for dinner so it’s usually cold and boring. I like the idea of a lunch dessert. I’ve found having a bite of something else can sometimes make all the difference between that have-eaten feeling and not.

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