Reading Slade House by David Mitchell #RIPXII

RIPXII Group Read — Slade House

I’ve started listening (again) to Slade House by David Mitchell (Random House Audio, 2015) for the RIPXII Group Read with Andi of Estella’s Revenge and Heather of My Capricious Life. I started it once before – thinking it came before The Bone Clocks (which I read back in January in a readalong with Care of Care’s Books & Pie) – and have been wanting to get back to it.

So far I’ve noticed a few references to people/things from The Bone Clocks but Slade House seems to be a companion novel rather than a sequel, so far. I think I understood the events early in Slade House sooner because I’ve read The Bone Clocks, but it’s not necessary to read them in order, unless you’re a stickler for that sort of thing. (Which I do happen to be. Obviously.)

Slade House
so far is a haunted house story like you’ve never read before. The narrators of the story change frequently. Some of the characters who tell their stories of visiting Slade House are more likeable than others, but all have been desperately unhappy. Hope for the best, but expect the worst could be their words to live by.




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7 years ago

My husband has a copy of this (unread). I have never thought of reading it, but I will follow along your read-along and see what you have to say about it. I avoid horror, so maybe not my thing.

7 years ago

I’ve not read anything by David Mitchell yet, but I’ve seen a couple of reviews of his books lately and they sound really interesting. I may have to give them a try- in order, of course 🙂

Laurie C
7 years ago
Reply to  DoingDewey

Of course! 😄

7 years ago

Yours is the first post on Slade House, yes or no?

The Reading Life
The Reading Life
5 years ago

I read Slade House last month. I liked it a lot.

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