Snow Day Scones and More Chocolate Chip Cookies #weekendcooking @BethFishReads @KingArthurFlour

Last weekend, in a Weekend Cooking post about soup, I posted a photo of our driveway. We did get the promised new blizzard, which we’re coming to the end of today (late morning on Sunday), so here’s the new photo of the driveway. (I couldn’t get the back door all the way open because of all the snow drifts.)

IMG_1823Most Valentine’s Day weekend events were canceled due to the weather forecast, and the forecast turned out to be accurate. The snowplow has been by, but we haven’t been out to shovel yet.

Bouquet of roses in vase with rack of cooling scones in frontI received a beautiful bouquet of roses and a box of chocolates, and I gave hubby a mini scone pan for Valentine’s Day, so this morning I tried out the pan, and made Gluten-Free Scones from the King Arthur Flour recipe. The pan worked beautifully, and I think I’m going to love it as much as I love my own roses and box of chocolates!

For the scones, I added golden raisins as the dried fruit of my choice, and sprinkled on top a little gluten-free streusel topping we had in the freezer left over from making apple crisp. They were very good, made with the King Arthur Flour Gluten-Free Multipurpose Flour.

And that brings me to the chocolate chip cookies.

A few weeks ago, I wrote about trying King Arthur Flour’s gluten-free version of their Recipe of the Year, which was for chocolate chip cookies. But I didn’t have the KAF Gluten-Free Multipurpose Flour the recipe called for, so I substituted Bob’s Red Mill, with slightly disappointing results. They were tasty enough, but they flattened out a little too much, which spoiled the look of them.

I ordered the right flour for the recipe, and tried it again. The flour really did seem to make a difference! The only change to the recipe that I made (but both times) was to add a little of the secret ingredient, Princess Cake & Cookie Flavor in place of some of the vanilla extract.

Happy weekend cooking!

Weekend Cooking buttonThis post is part of Weekend Cooking, a weekly feature on Beth Fish Reads. Click here for more Weekend Cooking posts from bloggers around the world.

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Jennifer @ The Relentless Reader

I’ve never even considered making scones. (Why not??) I think a scone pan is something I might need in my life, yum 😀

I’m glad you figured out the flour/cookie situation! Hooray for chocolate chips!

10 years ago

Yum! Your scones and cookies look so good! And that’s some nice fruit, too. 😀

Beth F
10 years ago

Love that scone pan! And KAF is the only flour I use. Flour type really does make a difference.


Your roses are so pretty and the scones look yummy too. I posted our “more snow” pic as well:) getting kind of tired of this.

10 years ago

I didn’t know there *was* a scone pan! Great idea!

I’m also a KAF fan but haven’t yet tried those chocolate chip cookies. This post has made me very hungry. 🙂

10 years ago

At least you got a little bit of Valentine’s romance with those flowers!

I love golden raisins – the scones look good!

Booker Talk
10 years ago

At least there was a benefit to all that snow, you got to try out your new recipes.

10 years ago

Yikes, that’s a lot of snow! We got a little ice and snow yesterday but it’s mostly gone.

Bree @ The Things We Read

yum, now I want to make some scones. Thanks for sharing photo of snow. I moved to a mountain resort in order to live with lots of snow this winter and we have had spring like temperatures almost all winter. 🙁 I am missing all the snow back East and in the Midwest.

10 years ago

I have been eyeing that mini-scone pan for a couple of years now. I love the idea of fresh scones and a cup of tea as an afternoon pick-me-up.

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