St. Patrick’s Day Snacking #weekendcooking @BethFishReads

Weekend Cooking buttonWeekend Cooking is a weekly feature hosted by Beth Fish Reads, linking up food-related posts. Click here for links to this week’s Weekend Cooking posts on Beth Fish Reads and other blogs.

For a coffee hour at the library today, we offered St. Patrick’s Day-themed refreshments, featuring, of course, a big plate of Irish soda bread with butter on the side.

photo of refreshments table
The Irish soda bread (not made by me) was a crowd favorite – a sweet version with raisins and caraway included.

Since someone else was baking the Irish soda bread, I brought something sweet that I thought would appeal to any kids who were dragged along came to the event with their parents – Pot O’ Gold Chex Mix.

close-up of Chex mix in a green paper muffin cup
Pot O’Gold Chex Mix. Click on image for the recipe on Betty Crocker site.

Done in the microwave, the Pot O’Gold Chex Mix came out sweet and crunchy. Following the advice of commenters on the Betty Crocker site where I found the recipe, I separated out the marshmallow “charms” and added them in at the end with the M&Ms. I’m going to experiment with a gluten-free version of this recipe. The butter and brown sugar mixture is naturally gluten-free, and so are Corn Chex and peanuts. Lucky Charms come close, but are not certified gluten-free, so I would substitute gluten-free Rice Chex and mini-marshmallows for the Lucky Charms.

These mini chocolate cupcakes with buttercream frosting were gluten-free, but I didn’t tell anyone, and I don’t think anyone knew the difference. The only thing I noticed was that the paper cupcake holders came away from the cupcakes.

photo of 3 mini cupcakes with green frosting on a plate
Gluten-Free Mini Chocolate Cupcakes made from recipe on King Arthur Flour G/F Baking Mix box. Click on image for recipe on KAF site.

For those who wanted a more healthful snack, there were green fruit cups.

close-up of fruit cup
Individual green fruit cups with cut-up honeydew melon, Granny Smith apples, green grapes, and kiwi fruit.

I’m all about the sweets, but hubby is making the boiled dinner and picked up the Guinness for tonight and tomorrow.

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

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Carole from Carole's Chatter

Happy St Patricks Day Cheers!

11 years ago

What a nice spread! That soda bread and those cupcakes look so yummy. Happy St. Paddy’s to you! Hope a little leprechaun visits you, too.

Joy Weese Moll (@joyweesemoll)

Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Looks like a fun event.

JoAnn @ Lakeside Musing

So festive! My sister is the official Irish soda bread baker in the family… just received one of her special loaves today 🙂

Beth F
10 years ago

Fun!! I’m making soda bread today. Everything looks good.

Diane (@bookchickdi)
10 years ago

How lovely! We are having our St. Patrick’s Day dinner today.

10 years ago

Beautiful! I am going to start my gf pie crust experiments next.

Audra (Unabridged Chick)

Okay, that Chex Mix is too cute for words — such a fun idea!

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