Weekend Cooking is a weekly feature hosted by Beth Fish Reads, linking up food-related posts. Click here for links to other bloggers’ Weekend Cooking posts at Beth Fish Reads.
It’s pumpkin everything from now until Thanksgiving. I’ve had pumpkin coffee and pumpkin ice cream. The pumpkin coffee I liked well enough, but the pumpkin ice cream I hope to get again soon!
Yesterday, I decided it was time for some fall baking. If you’ve been following my Weekend Cooking posts for a while, you may know that we converted our kitchen to gluten-free so it will be safe for our daughters with celiac disease to use on family visits and I’ve been experimenting with gluten-free baking.
I pulled out my favorite gluten-free baking cookbook, Nosh on This, which I’ve posted about before. This cookbook is a definite keeper, but although I purchased the extra-fine brown and white rice flours the author recommends for baking a while ago, since then then didn’t haven’t done much baking. So in the interests of science and economy, I pulled out the cookbook yesterday to bake something pumpkin-y.
Author Lisa Standel-Horel, who blogs at Gluten Free Canteen, isn’t kidding when she says “no cookie, strudel, brownie, tart, or treat left behind”. I found a few pumpkin recipes to choose from and decided on the Pumpkin Cupcakes with Honey Buttercream. The recipe is on Gluten Free Canteen here.

I mixed up a batch of the flour mix using my fabbity-fab, new(ish) kitchen scale and also weighed out the other ingredients instead of using volume measurements, except for teaspoons and tablespoons. (It was much easier than I thought it would be to use grams instead of cups!)
The recipe called for finely diced dried apples, which I didn’t have, so I substituted minced golden raisins, and for the frosting, I went with cream cheese frosting instead of the honey buttercream, but otherwise, I followed the recipe exactly and they came out just right. Although you can still tell from the texture that they’re gluten-free, I think, they come pretty close!

Happy Weekend Cooking!
