Currently Reading
The Last Samurai by Helen DeWitt

A triumph—a genuinely new story, a genuinely new form.
—A. S. Byatt, The New Yorker
The Last Samurai by Helen DeWitt is my “official” first book of 2023. It requires focus, so I read it in the morning, and have another one on the nightstand.
(‘m loving this book, and find something to highlight on every page, but I never want to stop reading to go get the Post-Its. It’s also appropriate because I’ll be traveling to England later this month and having a very brief time in London, where The Last Samurai is set.
Under Lock and Skeleton Key by Gigi Pandian

First in a new series, Under Lock and Skeleton Key by Gigi Pandian is my easy read. It was an impulse purchase a few months ago, probably because I kept meaning to try the author’s Accidental Alchemist mysteries, but then it was already up to six books, and this is only the first one so far (aside from this Christmas short story, only 99 cents right now!)