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Currently Reading
As Good as Gone by Larry Watson

“Watson evokes Big Sky Country as well as Montana writing legends like Ivan Doig, Jim Harrison and Norman Maclean. And like those authors, Watson is a naturally gifted storyteller, plainspoken and unpretentious. Watson is excellent at building suspense, and As Good as Gone is frequently exciting in a cinematic sense. (Just try not picturing Sam Elliott as Calvin Sidey.)” —
My book club book for September is As Good as Gone by Larry Watson. It’s set in Montana but it’s more of a family drama than a Western, although there is a cowboy! It’s the story of a dysfunctional family possibly attempting to repair the wounds of the past. Not sure how the book club will like it because people don’t always behave well in it, but I hope the theme of redemption will carry the day.
Lessons by Ian McEwan

Both epic and intimate, the story of one man’s life across generations and historical upheavals, Lessons is a deeply affecting novel about love, loss, ambition, and resolution, from a modern master. – From the Publisher
I received Lessons to read in advance, but it’s coming out tomorrow and I haven’t finished it yet! It’s 448 pages long, and it hasn’t entirely grabbed me yet, but I’ve been reading other books instead and need to give it more attention.
Continue reading “It’s Monday, What Are You Reading? 09-12-22”