Emma Read-along Starting Line #Emma200th

Emma_ReadalongThe idea of reading Jane Austen’s Emma this December has grown from a few friends I have blogged with, to many I’ve just been introduced to for the first time.
What a wonderful gathering we have for the reading of Emma‘s 200th anniversary! — Dolce Bellezza

I’m reading Emma by Jane Austen this month for the read-along hosted by Dolce Bellezza. She is posting her thoughts on Dec. 5, 12, and 19, but I haven’t started reading yet, so haven’t put myself on a schedule. I’ve read Emma before (possibly twice before, actually) but who gets tired of Jane Austen? I haven’t seen any of the film or TV versions, though, so would be glad for recommendations on which ones (or whether) to watch as well as read this month!

Click here for more info on the Emma Read-along (#Emma200th) or to join in!

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