Had a quiet weekend at home, with no excuses not to write a Weekend Cooking post for Saturday, a Sunday Salon for Sunday, or at least prepare this It’s Monday, What Are You Reading? post to have it ready on Monday morning. But, still, here I am – running late on Monday!
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Currently Reading
The Story of the Lost Child by Elena Ferrante

Over halfway through this 400+-page final book in the Neapolitan Novels quartet. I read some every morning after I get up, instead of writing blog posts or a novel.
The Fragile Threads of Power by V. E. Schwab
The Fragile Threads of Power by V.E. Schwab is a NetGalley review copy I didn’t finish before the book was published last week. (Given that it’s over 650 pages long, not so surprising!) May be the start of a new trilogy (?) set in the world of the fantasy trilogy starting with A Darker Shade of Magic.
Love it, except for the cover! Much prefer the earlier design, but then I may be old-fashioned.
Recently Read
The Islanders by Meg Mitchell Moore
Squeezed in one last summer book in September! Unfortunately, The Islanders wasn’t a favorite for me compared to other books by Meg Mitchell Moore that I’ve read.
If you like Elin Hilderbrand’s Nantucket novels, though, you should love this one set on Block Island in the neighboring New England state of Rhode Island (which, BTW, if you’re from a different country, may make it sound like the whole state is an island like Hawaii, but Rhode Island is not like Hawaii.)
Continue reading “It’s Monday, What Are You Reading? 10-2-23”