More traveling this past weekend, but this was to see family (i.e. our granddaughter, now almost six months old) so no dancing, except for around the house with the baby. She and our daughter-in-law both had slight colds, so we almost didn’t go, but our DIL was already feeling better by Friday, so we took a chance and went to Maryland as planned (arriving late with flight delays, of course!) and stayed at a motel the first night instead of visiting right away.
So glad we went! Even though the travel is exhausting, it’s well worth it to get our cuddles in. She’s growing so fast, but still seems more interested in chewing on her books than reading them!
Of course, our flight back was delayed as well – completely unacknowledged by the airline in any announcements – so we got in later than the late we had planned for, but at least didn’t miss the final airport shuttle bus (1:15 am), which is what happened to us last time!

Another travel trend? The last two motels we’ve stayed at didn’t provide hand towels – just bath towels and washcloths. The first time, we thought it was an oversight and asked at the desk, but, no, they didn’t have any. Housekeeping service has changed drastically since the pandemic shut-down, of course, but if you’re going to drop one of the three, wouldn’t it be the washcloth?
Now, it’s on to the books!
Almost finished with another Big Book Summer book!
Currently Reading
Those Who Leave and Those Who Stay by Elena Ferrante

Final Lullaby by Sasha Lauren

“Many of us are one bad death away from becoming a right-to-die activist.” – from the Publisher
Final Lullaby by Sasha Lauren is a LibraryThing Early Reviewer win from August. It has a bookstore-owner main character and a New England setting, but I think it’s going to be sad!
Just started it in the airport yesterday, when I was saving the ending of Those Who Leave and Those Who Stay till today.