It’s Monday, What Are You Reading? 1-27-25

Late again, but still here! As an American, I’m reeling from the political s$#tstorm we’ve got going on here, but I’m going to distract myself for the rest of the night by reading; blogging about reading; and thinking about what others are reading!

Please let me know what you’re reading in the comments and/or share your blog link! (If you can’t see where to comment, try clicking/tapping on the title of this post to open it in full.)

Currently Reading

Against All Obstacles by Jennifer Safrey

Against All Obstacles (Inkspell, 2023) by Jennifer Safrey

“At 45, Rachel’s given up on love. Competition ended all her relationships, and she’s fine running her race alone. At 38, Evan’s given up on love. He’s just not the commitment type, and he’s declared himself retired from trying. When Rachel, a teacher and obstacle-course racer, and Evan, a former English soccer star, meet as competitors in The Golden Crucible endurance race, winning is the only thing on their minds. 

I’m enjoying Against All Obstacles by Jennifer Safrey. It’s a romance by a local author, which might be two strikes against it for some readers, but if you’re willing to read contemporary romance at all, I recommend this one!

Although I’m only three-quarters of the way through, and I don’t know how the endurance race they’re running will end, I can count on love winning out somehow.

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