I could use this space to record my failed resolutions last year — to blog more frequently; to track my reading on a spreadsheet; to keep a running draft of favorite books and audiobooks so I could easily throw together my lists of favorites at the end of 2022; to choose my first book of 2023 before it was already January 2nd, etc.
But let’s leave the past where it belongs and plow forward into the new year. A fresh start for the reading tracker spreadsheet; high hopes for blogging more often than just once a week; an extension from Sheila at Book Journey on submissions for the First Book of the Year collage; and still a chance, however remote, that I can put together my 2022 favorites lists before we get too far into 2023!

Currently Reading
The Last Samurai by Helen DeWitt

I received The Last Samurai as a Christmas gift from one of my daughters, who read it and thought I would like it, so I chose it as my first book of 2023.
This was my first year in a while of not choosing a book and sending my photo in for the First Book of the Year collage, so I was glad to find out that Sheila has extended the deadline and will post a second First Book collage next week! Check out the first First Book collage at Book Journey!
Whenafter by Terri Bruce

Santa Shortbread by P.D. Workman